Weekly Wrap Up: #6

Weekly Wrap Up

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tyngas Reviews, visit the official launch page to find out more. Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer see the rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

I have been surprisingly busy this week. I’m really behind on commenting and I’m sorry if I missed anyone’s posts! It wasn’t even doing anything important or interesting. I’ve just had to keep running into town for various things. I had a paranormal investigation Friday night. Then this morning the fam and I went to the platform markets and I indulged in waffles with strawberries, nutella, almonds & coconut. One of my towns many beaches is directly across from the markets so we walked across there and bought Iced Chais. There was even more people than usual at the beach today and almost every single one of them had dogs with them and I was confused, but in no way complaining. It was heaven. Then when I got home I realised it was the RSPCA’s Million Paws walk and it all made sense. I was also hoping to get this post finished and in my schedule before tonight’s investigation, but that didn’t happen so 😂

These are old photos, but still – you get the idea 😂

I mentioned this in my award post the other day, but after four years my favourite band, Pierce The Veil, FINALLY released their new album. It was perfect and it’s all I’ve been listening to for the past three days. My favourite songs are: Dive In, Texas Is Forever, The Divine Zero, Floral & Fading, Circles, Bedless and Song For Isabelle To say I was highly anticipating this album is an understatement. Finally listening to it was a very emotional experience.

Also, my football team won their game today by 103 points so that was pretty rad.

I hope everyone who went to BEA and BookCon had an amazing time. I’m totally not jealous or anything. Nope. What gives you that idea 😂

Covers = Goodreads.


The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

If you follow me on Twitter you’d know I was fortunate enough to win a copy of The Star-Touched Queen thanks to Rachel @ Nerd Herd Reads who hosted an April New Release Giveaway! I was so happy when I won because Star-Touched wasn’t available in e-book format for Australia and the hardcover was $25AUD on Book Depository, which is a little out of my price range. I should be finishing A Court of Thorns and Roses, but this kept staring at me and I couldn’t resist so I caved and read the first few chapters and I adore the writing style. I can’t wait to read more!! Since I won Star-Touched this means I bought NO physical books this week! I’m more shocked than you are.


The Fall of Butterflies by Andrea Portes If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

The Fall of Butterflies is pitched as We Were Liars meets Looking For Alaska. I loved both of those books so much, so I’m really interested to see if it lives up to that claim. If I Was Your Girl is about a MC who is a trans woman! The author and the girl on the cover are both trans women too and that makes me so happy. I’m excited to eventually get to it! I’m still on a The Raven Cycle hangover and want to try and read Maggie’s other books. I’m not really in the mood for werewolves at this point in time so I grabbed The Scorpio Races. It sounds super interesting and Sheridan loves it so I’m sure I will too!


MAY 14: Get to Know Me! Tag

MAY 13: The Liebster Award (Part 1)

MAY 12: Review – The Hidden Oracle (Trials of Apollo #1) by Rick Riordan

MAY 10: Top Ten Tuesday – Favourite Non Bookish Websites

MAY 9: #AnonymousBookaholics Book Tag and 3 Days, 3 Quotes

MAY 8: Weekly Wrap Up #5


• A few people asked me to talk more about what’s involved in my paranormal investigations so there’ll be a post about that!
• I’m also thinking of doing a post with a bunch of links to web/design resources like websites that offer free courses on coding and free stock images ect.
• Reviews of The Sidekick by Will Kostakis and Mini Reviews of Rat Queens Vol. 1 and Gotham Academy Vol. 2
• Do I even need to say that there’ll be more tags because it’s pretty much a given at this point 😂

Make sure to leave a link to your Weekly Wrap Up/Stacking the Shelves/Sunday Post! I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’ve read or are planning to read any of these books!

Hope you all had a magical week and that the week ahead is even better xx

38 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap Up: #6

  1. I read the sample of Trials of Apollo. Do I want to read more? yes, however I’m a bit apprehensive due to the fact that I didn’t love Percy Jackson, but I didn’t hate it either.


    1. Ah, that’s good to hear! I want to say to keep reading, but it does contain a lot of the same elements that the PJO series does. If you weren’t a fan of the mythology retellings in the PJO series you might not like the retellings done in this. If you have access to a library maybe check it out from there? That way you won’t have wasted any money if you don’t like it.


  2. Yay dogs! 😊
    If I was your Girl sounds really interesting.
    Also I already said this but I’m really excited about your paranormal investigation post!


    1. Ahh great post! I’m familiar with all of those and was planning on including a bunch of them in my post 😊 When I first started blogging Ashley’s blog was one of the first ones I visited. I have it added in my favourites!

      I actually hate the beach 🙈 but it is really pretty to look at! I’d gladly trade it for snow though.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on winning The Star Touched Queen. And I love it when a favorite band releases new music- especially when it’s been a long wait. Your upcoming posts sound good- And that beach photo looks awesome.


  4. Ohh congratulations on winning a copy of The Star-Touched Queen, that’s so lucky considering it isn’t available in AUS yet either. I can’t wait for you to read it because I loved this book and I’m really excited to hear what you think of it.
    I haven’t read Looking For Alaska but I loved We Were Liars so I may have to look into The Fall of Butterflies, I have The Scorpio Races on my to-read list but I may wait and see what you think of it before picking it up.


    1. Thanks so much Beth! I know, I couldn’t believe when I won. It worked out so perfectly, haha. The universe was on my side that day. I can’t wait to read it!

      It has mostly 3 stars, but the moment I heard that pitch I couldn’t resist. I’m really hoping to love The Scorpio Races! I’ll definitely have a review up once I’ve read it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think the universe was definitely on your side that day! 😀 I really hope you love it when you get around to reading the whole thing as well, especially considering you won the book and all!
        The pitch definitely grabbed my attention as well, and yeah after loving The Raven Cycle series I feel I really need to read more of Maggie’s books! I’ll start with The Scorpio Races 😀


  5. Ooooh, NOW I’m excited about the paranormal investigations post! I’ll be keeping my eyes out for that one for suuuuuuuure!

    Lauren, you’re so so awesome. When will you ever do a post about how to be as glittery and wonderful as you?! I’d totally read that one, like, every day. ❤

    Also, YAY you for winning that gooooorgeous book!

    Here's my Sunday Post. Happy book-ing to you!


  6. What’s a… what’s a paranormal investigation? I want to know but I’m also scared to know.

    And glad to hear that you’re enjoying TSTQ so far! I really liked the writing style too. Also yay for If I Was Your Girl – I hope to read it sometime soon. When are you starting that one? ❤


    1. Haha! Have you heard of the shows like Ghost Adventures? I basically do that, but on a much smaller scale and no camera crew 😂 We use specialised equipment and try and make contact with the paranormal 😊

      I can’t wait to read more of it! I have no idea, haha. My TBR is insane because I can’t stop myself from constantly adding it to it. Hopefully soon, though!


      1. That sounds so fun! So scary and nothing like I would ever do because I’m a major scaredy cat, but it sounds interesting. 🙂

        Oh my god, I know. My TBR is crazy as well. And then there are these other things I want to do outside of blogging/reading… D:


        1. Haha! I’m such a wuss when it comes to things like jump scares, but I’m definitely getting better at not being scared on investigations! Sometimes it’s hard not to be though, haha.

          Ahh, riiight!! There’s not enough hours in the day.


  7. I’ve never heard of The Fall of Butterflies before, but judging from the pitch, it seems like something I should look up. I loved Looking for Alaska and have been meaning to read We Were Liars for a while now.


  8. If I Was Your Girl sounds really interesting, I will add it to my TBR! I read The Scorpio Races a few years ago and I really liked it (it has been the only Maggie Stiefvater book I have read).


    1. I was really excited to find out about it 🙂 It has an average rating on Goodreads, but everyone has said it’s super important so I’m really excited to read it. Ooh that’s good to hear! I really recommend The Raven Cycle if that kind of thing interests you! It’s such an amazing series 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ooohhh it sounds like you had a great time at the beach! And a paranormal investigation? That sounds absolutely fascinating! I picked up the Star Touched Queen as well and I’m so excited about it! Oooh, The Fall of Butterflies is available at my library so I have to check it out.


    1. I actually hate the beach 🙈 but that said I did have fun because the iced chai was amazing and being surrounded by dogs is my dream so 😂

      I can’t wait to read more of it. I adore the writing style.

      Ooh yay! It has an average-ish rating on Goodreads, but I couldn’t resist the pitch haha. Hopefully it’ll be a good read!!


  10. I loveddddd We Were Liars, so when I see a book being pitched saying ” for fans of ” I immediately say, mmmm I don’t know about this one lol. I just hate when it doesn’t live up to that hype you know? The cover is really freaking pretty though. I so want to read If I Was Your Girl! I’ve heard amazing things about it, so I’m definitely picking that up soon. The Star Touched Queen is on my to-read list for next week, and I received The Trials of Apollo for review, which will be my first Rick Riordan book! Yes I know, go ahead and shoot daggers at me lol.

    Wait, did I read that correctly? You do paranormal investigations?!! Girl if so, you are so fucking cool! I watch documentaries on this shit all of the time. Sorry, I got way excited and I tend to curse when I do. Well, I’m always cursing but you get what I’m saying. Nice to meet you!


    1. We Were Liars was BEAUTIFUL! Oh yeahhh, I definitely get wary too! I have a thing though where I can’t resist because I’m just too curious? It’s a blessing and a curse, haha. I’m really excited to read If I was Your Girl! It’s so great seeing a book with diversity! Star Queen has been really good so far and I can’t wait to read more. Ahh that’s so cool that you received Trials of Apollo for review! And hahaha, no that’s okay! At least you’re starting 😉 I absolutely loved the book so much and I hope you enjoy it too.

      HAHA! Thank you! And yes, same! It’s one of the reasons why my love for the whole thing started. And don’t worry about swearing, this is a Swear Friendly blog 😉 It was really nice to meet you too 😀


  11. Nice haul! I loved The Star-Touched Queen. I hope you do too! What a pretty picture of the beach. I went last year to the beach with my kids and hubby so I’m all beached out for like ten more years lol! It’s so beautiful, but I’m not a beach person. Also, that looks like a really huge waffle. Woah. And yes the new Pierce the Veil album is great!! Well I haven’t listened enough to pick out all my faves yet, but I’m liking it!


    1. I’m really enjoying what I’ve read so far and can’t wait to read more! I am definitely not a beach person either, haha. I actually hate it 😂 It is really pretty to look at though. I just go for the waffles and iced chais 😂 Haha yes, they are really filling! And yay, I’m glad you like it 😀


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