My Favourite Poetry Collections

My Favourite Poetry Collections

Since April is National Poetry Month I decided to do a post about my favourite collections! I’m definitely not an expert when it comes to poetry and a lot of things can go over my head, however that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the beauty of it. I know a lot of people are hesitant to read poetry because of various reasons (a common theme I see is because of school) but I guarantee there are so many poems out there that are nothing like the ones you were forced to study at school.

I decided to give poetry another chance because I saw this poem by Buddy Wakefield on Tumblr that I fell in love with:

I had no idea that this kind of poetry existed or that it could have such an affect on me.

I supposed my favourite style of poetry is classed as “Tumblr/Instagram Poetry” and I know it gets a lot of hate, but I think that’s so unwarranted. If it’s not your thing that’s cool a lot of traditional poetry isn’t for me, but you don’t have to be an ass about it? Anyway!!!

I wanted to share some of my favourites that I think are great places to start if you’ve never read a poetry collection before.


PSA: A lot of these collections deal with triggering things. It’s been a while since I read them so my memory is a bit foggy. I tried to remember as much as I could. Just keep that in mind if you decide to read them.

Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately love, and you Milk and Honey The Princess Saves Herself in this One

Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately by Alicia Cook – This collection resonated with me so much. It’s formatted to look like a mixtape and there’s a Side B which features blackout poetry of poems from Side A!

love, and you by Gretchen Gomez – The collection that my 18 year old self needed and that my current self is so happy exists. A beautiful and honest collection on how you are stronger than you think. Gretchen is part of the blogging community and I highly encourage you to go support her book. You can also see a review I wrote here.

milk and honey by Rupi Kaur – I can’t even express how beautiful Rupi’s poems are. Every single one hit me so incredibly hard. I actually wrote a review for this book which you can see here! I pretty much cried from start to finish whilst reading this. [tw: abuse, rape]

the princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace – I feel like I’m repeating myself, but again this is another collection that just hit me so hard. This is super empowering and honest. [tw: abuse]  

Ariel Citizen: An American Lyric  A Boy Without His Feathers

Ariel by Sylvia Plath – Sylvia Plath is probably one of the only few ‘classic’ poets that I like. I really resonate with the voice she puts across because of my own personal experiences. It can’t have been easy to talk about the things she did and I really appreciate how brutally honest she is. [tw: mental illness]

Citizen: An American Lyric by Claduia Rankine – At first I struggled to connect to any of the poems in this collection, but then that made me step back and realise how privileged I am as a white person. Claudia Rankine is brilliantly unapologetic as she delivers her anger towards the injustices that black people face simply for existing.

Crush by Richard Siken – This was actually the first poetry collection I ever read. I came across it on Tumblr because everyone was using a verse from one of his poems “You Are Jeff for edits. I’m so glad I decided to pick it up because the poems in here are what made me fall in love with poetry. I think I’ve reread this collection like four times. [tw: rape]

A Boy Without His Feathers by Beau Taplin – I first heard of Beau because he helped write lyrics for one of my favourite Australian bands For Our Hero. I loved his lyrics so much because of their honesty (are you sensing a theme here) and how much I was able to relate. He openly spoke about his experiences with mental illness (I definitely recommending checking out their song My Revolution – tw for suicide mentions but ultimately it’s about recovery). For Our Hero broke up but I was able to met Beau and his brother Jay (who did vocals) at a show and connecting with them and speaking about how much their words helped. Unfortunately, this collection isn’t available anymore so I won’t really go into it, but it has one of my favourite openings EVER. I basically just wanted to give Beau a shout out because he has a ton of collections that are available here!! He’s also pretty active on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr where he shares poems.


Here’s a small selection of some of my favourite poems from the collections I mentioned above! 

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Do you read Poetry? Or is it just not for you?

Let me know if you’ve read any of these or what some of your favourites are! I’m always looking for new recommendations.

I hope you’re all having a fantastic day.

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24 thoughts on “My Favourite Poetry Collections

  1. Wow, that first poem is so, so powerful, I loved it so much ❤ I'm not such a poetry reader, but sometimes I do enjoy reading these kind of things so…maybe I should get more into this I guess? I did read Wildly into the Dark, by Tyler Knott Gregson though and I really enjoyed his writing 🙂


  2. I just picked up milk and honey! Also I would recommend liking the button poetry page on Facebook. The poets read out their poetry and it’s awesome, it got me back into reading poems and I bought a book through their site based on the poet Olivia Gatwood reading out her ‘Ode to Bitchface’. It just hit me and gave me the shivers. There is also a poem going around that focuses on OCD and a broken relationship that tore my heart out so I may be buying the author Neil Hilborn’s book next. Thanks for your recommendations as well! It’s good to know some others as poetry can easily intimidating to know where to go next!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I LOVE the first poem you featured in this post Lauren, and actually I just love poetry in general. I have more than a few Tumblr poems ‘Liked’ which I simply love, and I get what you mean about it being your favourite medium as well. The first four books you featured I have on my to-read list, and one day I’m going to get around to read them! 😀 If I like them I’ll be sure to check out some of the others you featured. I wanna try and get started on some poetry books soon because all the reviews I’ve seen have been amazing and the poems featured in said reviews are so beautifully written as well! 🙂
    Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The first poem was amazing. I love poetry, there is so much out there like that one dating back many years. There are poems that turn your stomach in knots and pull at your emotions so deeply but they are rarely discussed and I think it is because people don’t like admitting that the feelings being expressed in the poems are real and they are very normal. I adore raw poems of all forms.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been trying to get into poetry and I’ve been meaning to read some of the books you mentioned. I’ve read milk and honey by rupi kaur and Loose Woman by Sandra Cisneros, which I recommend if you wan’t woman empowerment but from a different perspective and tone from kaur’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah I love this post Lauren! As you know some of these are my favorites and the others are definitely on my list.


  7. Oooooo that Buddy Wakefield poem is so nice!
    I reeeaally need to read Citizen! It seems like such an amazing collection! I might check out Crush as well – the cover is really stunning!!


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