Blogging Design Tips: Customising Your Theme

The second part in my Blogging Design Tips! You can see the first part which is about choosing a theme here. I want to try and keep this post as short and concise as possible so I’ll just be going into what I feel like are the most important parts of your theme. Like I … More Blogging Design Tips: Customising Your Theme

Wonderless Designs: society6 & RedBubble Stores (+ A GIVEAWAY!!)

If you follow me on Twitter you would have seen me talking about my society6 and RedBubbleĀ stores for a while now, but I never officially mentioned them on my blog. So that’s what this post is about. Currently, I mostly haveĀ The Raven CycleĀ designs up because it gives me the most inspiration. There’s also designs inspired … More Wonderless Designs: society6 & RedBubble Stores (+ A GIVEAWAY!!)