Let’s Talk: Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone // Non YA Booktuber Recommendations

Comfort Zones and Non-YA BookTubers

Before we get into this post I just want to apologise for missing any of your posts. I had 500+ emails in my inbox and it was just not possible to catch up on everything, haha. Feel free to link me to any of your posts that you’d like me to see. I really wanna see what you guys have been up to ♥! I’m still not officially back, but am trying to read, comment and post as much as I can in my spare time. Obviously reviews are going to be sparse.

Tiny disclaimer that this isn’t supposed to be a dig at Young Adult – it’s quite obvious it’s my favourite genre and I will defend it with my life.

I know a lot of people out there are looking for BookTubers that don’t primarily focus on YA. I find that following BookTubers who talk about other genres really helps inspire you to attempt to read outside your comfort zone.

This post was inspired by my current read Night Film which is an Adult Fiction Thriller and I am having so much fun reading it. This is also a note to myself because I really want to try and read more books that aren’t YA. I’m definitely not trying to claim that I’m an expert 😂

Why should we read outside of our comfort zone?

I think it’s important that everyone at least tries a book they wouldn’t usually read. I know how scary it can be – I was terrified to read Classics, but I’m so glad I gave them a go. Even if you don’t like it. That said the most important thing to remember is that whether you read one genre or a million, you’re still a reader.

  1. You might be surprised and find your next favourite book. If I never gave Classics a chance then I would never have found The Yellow Wallpaper which changed my entire life.
  2. Don’t judge a genre by it’s Bad Tropes. Fun fact: I once got into an argument with Caitlin Stasey on Twitter because she was making digs at YA and people who read it. She presumed that every YA book was a carbon copy of Twilight (not that there’s anything wrong with liking Twilight). It’s just that not every YA book is going to be full of vampire and werewolves love triangles and not every Adult Fiction book is going to be 50 Shades of Grey.
  3. It can be a gateway for you to learn, discover and understand topics that you’re not familiar with or aware of. When I see certain things in books that I don’t understand I always hit up Google and do research. I’ve learnt so much.
  4. Books with difficult topics. I understand that some people can’t read certain books because they’re triggering, but I highly suggest that if you can you read a book about mental illness, sexual assault or even on social issues like feminism because it can open your eyes and educate you so much.
  5. It may seem like a small thing, but it could even help you step outside your comfort zone in real life. Interacting on this blog has slowly made me feel a tiny bit more confident to initiate conversations in other settings. Setting tiny goals for yourself can go a long way.
  6. Different mediums. If you’re main genre is Young Adult then you don’t have to necessarily read Adult Fiction to try something new! There’s so many options: comics, graphic novels, poetry, short stories, non-fiction (memoirs, autobiographies, history, true crime) ect.  
  7. Accomplishment. Who doesn’t enjoy feeling accomplished? Even if you read a graphic novel or short poetry book and didn’t like it at least you can say you gave it a go!

So, here are some BookTubers that may occasionally mention YA but who don’t have it as their focus. Hopefully they can help inspire you as much as they inspire me 😊

Amanda Egle

Amanda’s channel’s main focus is comics which I LOVE. A lot of BookTubers talk about comics and graphic novels, but they’re definitely not the focus. Amanda has videos that talk about her weekly pull list and she also has lots of sci-fi/comic focused unboxings. It’s also great seeing girls who are into comics.

books and pieces

Elizabeth doesn’t read a lot of books I do, but I still love her videos. She reads a lot of adult literature especially fantasy and sci-fi. I know there are a lot of fantasy fans out there so if you ever want to try adult fantasy then Elizabeth’s channel will definitely help inspire you to do that!


Sanne actually works at Penguin Random House UK. Her videos are all so informative, professional and you can tell how knowledagable she is about bookish things. She reads a wide range of genres including: Adult Fiction, Classics and Poetry.


Katie made a video at the start of the year were she talked about not reading YA in 2016, whilst that is not something I would personally do it was a really interesting discussion.  I really love Katie’s channel because she talks about a genre I rarely see on BookTube – HORROR!! Her videos are all really informative and she has really great and well thought out opinions.

Connor O’Brien

Connor does read the occasional YA, but his main focus is Middle Grade! I feel like Middle Grade is another genre that doesn’t get much attention on BookTube. I definitely don’t read enough Middle Grade and Connor has introduced me to a lot of great series. For an added bonus he has the most adorable husky and does BarkBox unboxings on his channel with said adorable husky.

Jean BookishThoughts

Jean is one of my favourite BookTubers. Again, she reads a lot of books I don’t but she has inspired me SO much to read outside my comfort zone especially regarding classics. She also talks a lot about mythology, non-fiction, comics and graphic novels. Her videos are always so interesting and informative. Jean also runs The Feminist Orchestra Bookclub which focuses on feminist reads.

Lauren And The Books

Besides having an amazing name 😜 Lauren’s videos are seriously so lovely. I’ve only recently subscribed to her but her videos are so genuine and down to earth. She’s adorably funny without even trying. From what I’ve seen she reads a lot of Adult Fiction as well as comics and graphic novels.


I only recently subscribed to Taylor, but I’m really excited to see more of her videos. I love the way she talks about the books she reads. I’m not quite sure what the main books she reads are, but it seems like she focuses on a lot of adult fiction, classics and even talks about fashion-esque magazines which I think is really cool.


This is kind of a cheat, but I couldn’t NOT talk about this video or Marines’ channel. Marines talks about so many important issues. She is never afraid to call out books on being problematic. She was one of the only few people I saw who shared the same problems I had with A Court of Thorns and Roses and it was so good seeing I wasn’t alone. She recently uploaded this video about diversity on BookTube. The video above is a playlist of 60+ BookTubers who are POC. I haven’t had the chance to go through all the list yet, but I’m definitely excited! Marines also created the #fakereadergirls hashtag which was kind of amazing.


Another slight cheat, but I just stumbled across Daniella’s channel and I had to include it. Is love at first watch a thing? Because I think that just happened. The video I’m linking is extremely helpful for anyone who wants to try out Adult Fiction. It’s a really well thought out discussion video with a bunch of helpful recommendations. She does talk about YA, but she also mentions a lot of adult fiction and I’m definitely super excited to watch more of her videos!

Portal in the Pages

Another new channel I recently subscribed to. Sophie reads a lot of adult fiction and also non-fiction and poetry. Her videos seem really wonderful and she has a lot of informative thoughts. I’m definitely looking forward to watching more!


Joce is another one of my favourite BookTubers. This video I’m linking in particular is one of my absolute favourites. Joce reads a lot of Thrillers which I find awesome because again it’s not really talked about much on BookTube. She also reads a lot of general adult fiction and the occasional YA. Joce talks a lot about problematic and important issues regarding books and has so many on point opinions. Joce also has an amazing video on reading outside your comfort zone. Her videos are always so informative. She’s seriously so wonderful and I can’t recommend her videos enough!

How do you feel about reading outside your comfort zone? Is it something you can easily do or is it a struggle? I would absolutely love to read your thoughts on this topic.

Are you subscribed to any of the BookTubers I mentioned? Also, if you have any recommendations then feel free to let me know!

I hope you’re all having a fantastic day xx

80 thoughts on “Let’s Talk: Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone // Non YA Booktuber Recommendations

  1. Out of my comfort zone is historical fiction and classics. I’m not big on contemporary, especially contemporary romance. I feel a lot of contemporary is too close to reality for me.


      1. Historical fiction is so much fun to read, depending on what it is that you’re reading!! And the classics can be intimidating. Right now I’m reading a 731 page bind up of The Illiad and the Odyssey.


  2. Great Post, I am already subscribed to Pixie Tonic and Jean Bookishthoughts but I will definitely be checking out the others 🙂 I am trying to step out of my comfort zones with reading, I always pick New Adult or YA mainly but I have recently bought two poetry books which I want to try and read and I want to try get into more classics. I study English Literature so I cover a range of books at university so I usually just stick to a genre I know I like when reading for pleasure but I want to venture out 🙂


    1. Thank you! I can’t believe I hadn’t found Pixie Tonic before she’s great!

      Aw, yay! I’ve only recently got into poetry myself. If you enjoy the ones you have I seriously recommend Crush by Richard Siken and Ariel by Sylvia Plath 😊

      It’s so cool that you get exposure to such a range of books at uni. I never had that at school so I think it’s why I’m attempting to make up for it now haha.


  3. This is such a timely post for me, as I was just thinking of reading a non-YA book for a change 🙂


  4. 100% agreed. Reading out of your comfort zone is so important. I’ve never really been into just one genre – I try to read everything (even if it’s likely to make me feel uncomfortable), and I feel that’s really important. Even at a young age, I found myself picking up classics, memoirs and non-fiction in addition to all the YA books, and I think that has really made me the person I am now. I especially agree with your point about it being a gateway for you to understand topics that you’re not familiar with or aware of. Definitely! I love this post.

    Thanks for linking the videos too! I really enjoyed watching them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s great! 🙂 I’ll admit, reading adult books really changed my understanding of the world as a kid, but it also prepared me for it too.


  5. Absolutely loved this post! I’ll definitely be looking up some of these booktubers. Late last year I had the sudden realization that I actually liked Classics when I read The Awakening by Kate Chopin, although I didn’t love it. If it wasn’t for that random impulse, I might have never read 1984 by George Orwell, which has become my new favorite book. Since then I’ve been trying to read more classics because so far I’ve been enjoying them.


  6. I LOVE THIS! I always try to read out of my comfort zone every now and then because I think it helps keep things interesting. I agree it can definitely lead to you discovering new favorites or even new genres. I used to avoid contemporaries at all costs. I just didn’t think I would enjoy them. Great excuse right? haha. Anyways I slowly started dipping my feet in the contemporary waters to switch things up a bit and I’m so glad I did because I have definitely found more than a few new favorites! I don’t know what I would do without my beloved Simon vs., haha!


    1. Thank you! I’m kind of in the same situation with contemporaries, haha. I tend to avoid them unless they’re dark, but I recently bought a Morgan Matson book so even though I’m quite nervous I’m excited to give it a go! I really want to read Simon, too. It sounds amazing!


  7. Great post! I love YA A LOT, but I do agree with all your points on why it’s good to read outside of your comfort zone. I try to mix it up, also because I just don’t want to ever feel like I’m reading the same thing and then get tired of it. I want to keep on loving ALL the genres I love 🙂 I didn’t really know most of these booktubers, but I’ll definitely have to check them out now!


  8. YES to everything you said! First of all I LOVE the Yellow Wallpaper. It’s my favorite short story in the world, I don’t how words to describe how awesome it is. I’m so happy you also love it.
    My blog is pretty much me reading anything and everything, so you know I’m all up for stepping out of your comfort zone. Y


  9. Omg I sent my post by mistake without finishing 😦 Here’s the rest: Yay to that! And I have to check most of those booktubers. I have a post scheduled soon with all my favorite booktubers and Katie’s the only one that we have in common. She’s great. Great post 😀


  10. I really need to start checking out some booktubers, YA ones and otherwise 😀 and I really need to start reading out my comfort zone as well. I’m never really going to be a big fan of classics but it still leaves a lot of genres I could pick up as well as YA fiction, I definitely want to start reading more graphic novels and, well, you’ve given me plenty of booktubers to check out to find other recommendations as well! 😀 Great post!


      1. I have a few channels I’m subscribed to, mostly commedy ones, so maybe I should branch out and check out some booktube ones. It seems to be a major part of the whole book community and I do feel like I’m missing out at the moment!
        Do you have any recommendations for me, at the moment the only one I know I want to read is Lumberjanes. 😀


            1. Amulet is a great one to start with! It’s really fun and is a great adventure story and the art is amazing. Definitely one I’d recommend for people new to the genre. It could be classed as Middle Grade, but it’s definitely something people of all ages can enjoy.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. In that case I will definitely start with Amulet, especially if you say it’s good for people new to the genre which I would say I definitely am!
                Ehh, the Percy Jackson books are middle grade and I’m really enjoying those at the moment so yeah, that definitely doesn’t bother me! 😀


  11. Thank you! I was looking for BookTubers to watch while I’m killing time at work and most of them vlog about YA Lit. That’s fine, but most of what I read isn’t YA lit.

    You make excellent points about stepping out of our comfort zones in reading. I try to do that all the time because it really is important! Even though I try to read lots of different things, I still have room to grow. For example, I could try to step out of my comfort zone and read a great romance or a book of poetry. There’s always a genre of books I haven’t tried.

    I subscribed to Marines and Joce! Marines’ video on diversity was fantastic.


    1. Aw, no worries!!

      Romance is something I really don’t know if I could ever read 😂 but that would 100% be stepping out of my comfort zone haha. I love poetry though! If you ever want to try any I really recommend Crush by Richard Siken it has a lot of LGBT themes.

      Yay!! Marines and Joce are two of my favourites. I was actually going to send you a link to Marines diversity video but totally forgot so fortunately this post did it for me 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I love Jean so much, she’s wonderful and her videos make me so happy!
    Also definitely gonna check out some of these people. 😊


  13. I began loving this post as soon as you mentioned Night Film. That book is amazing, and even months later, I can’t stop talking about it. I’m currently reading Pessl’s other novel, which is also good so far.

    This is great (beyond Night Film :P)! I read all a mix of adult and young adult fiction, and try not to limit myself too much by genre. I know I tend to not pick up classics, historical that doesn’t include WW2, and romances, but I am trying to work on this. I’m excited by this list of vloggers that aren’t just about YA, because I didn’t know of too many! Thanks for putting this together!


    1. I’ve got U200 pages left of Night Film and reading it has been such an experience!! It’s amazing. I’m so excited to see how it all ends.

      I tend to avoid romance and historical fiction. I don’t know if I could bring myself to ever pick straight up romance, but I’m definitely trying to read some historical fiction.

      And no worries! Even the ones I’m subscribed to that I don’t share common books with I love because it’s just so interesting to hear everyone’s opinions!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I like to think that I give everything a go 🙂 I didn’t start reading YA properly until the middle of last year when I found the Throne of Glass series and couldn’t look back XD
    I really like to read and biographies, true stories but not review them. I have a few favorite classics but I struggle to reach for new ones because they take a lot of effort for me to get into them.

    As long as the writings good I don’t think it matters what genres it’s in I’ll pick it up 🙂


  15. Lovely list, Lauren, completely agreed with everything. I can definitely get in moods and I spent years just reading detective fiction but I’ve found I’ve grown so much more as a reader by expanding and reading out of my comfort zone.

    Speaking of which – I never do youtube (I am such an internet dinosaur…) but everyone is talking about ‘book tubers’ and this is a great starting point for me to try. Thank you!


    1. Thank so much ♥! Yes, definitely. YA will always be my preferred genre, but I’ve been having a lot of fun exploring other genres. I just finished Night Film and now I really want to dive into more Adult Fiction Thrillers.

      Haha! I didn’t even know BookTube was a thing until this year, so don’t worry! I hope you find someone you enjoy. Even though it can be a massive distraction it’s also really motivating and I love hearing everyone’s thoughts and opinions.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Please don’t apologize for missing any blog posts, it’s always so hard to manage to catch up on everyone’s blog posts, so don’t worry about it! 🙂
    Great post! I have to say, book blogging made me want to get more outside of my comfort zone and try new books as well, and it’s all for the best because, if some books were disappointments, some others were just fantastic!! ❤


  17. Reading outside your comfort zone is always a good idea – although also YA, I never would have otherwise discovered The Book Thief. Also, for fantasy fans, Robin Hobb’s work is a great step up into adult fantasy from YA.


  18. Don’t worry about missing posts, the more you blog, the more time you need to catch up and sometimes I can be impossible! 🙂
    I used to stick to genres I knew I liked, mostly crime and thrillers. But it all changed when I started blogging. Taking part in WWW or This Week In Boons memes has expanded my horizons. I spotted a few sci-fi and fantasy and gave it a try. It was all exciting to just jump on a new adventure and it has brought me many good surprises. I am really glad I did it, and I’m still discovering new things thanks to all the fellow bloggers and their great recommendations 🙂


    1. Thanks ♥ I’m definitely trying to ease up on myself haha.

      Yes, definitely!! That’s what happened with me too. The bookish community has inspired me a lot to explore new genres and I’ve been having a lot of fun. I just finished Night Film and now I really want to check out more Adult Fiction crime and thriller books.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Great post! I agree with everything you said. Before I can’t make myself read high fantasy books. I can read fantasy books but it has to have romance in it. When it comes to full on fantasy stuffs I kinda struggled and I get bored easily from it. But now it’s one of my all time favorite genre to read.


  20. Great post! I absolutely agree with you, a friend of mine only reads fantasy and she’s not going anywhere with that. I’ve been trying to get her to read other books and literally shoving my books on her face but it’s still a long way to go. I used to dislike Realistic Fiction because I read some that I considered bad and full of nonsense but I tried pushing myself to read more until I finally found a realistic fiction book that changed my whole mind about it. and I completely agree that reading about difficult topics really educates me and exposes me to a lot of new perspectives. I’ve been planning to write an entire post about ‘mental illness in YA fiction’ but I’m planning to read at least one or two more books about it to enrich my arguments. Anyway, thank you for the booktuber recommendations, will definitely check them out! 😀


    1. Thanks so much ♥! Haha, sorry she’s being stubborn and not listening to you 😂 I was definitely similar to that. I refused to read anything but YA, but fortunately the bookish community has really helped inspire me to read more. I’m okay with realistic fiction if it has a more serious subject matter, but I still really struggle with reading the lighthearted contemporaries but I recently bought a Morgan Matson book so that seems like a great place to start!

      Definitely look forward to reading your YA mental illness post!!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Truly an amazing discussion post, Lauren! I feel so guilty about staying on my comfort zone in reading, even reading High Fantasy books is a big leap for me. Pushing oneself to reading different genres is really important, YA is so wonderful but it’s a big world filled with books. I’ll definitely be challenging myself to read a book outside my comfort zone, like a classic and NA book, once in a while.


    1. Thank you!! Noo, don’t feel guilty, Louise ♥ High Fantasies are terrifying 😂 I really recommend PixieTonic’s video because she gives some great YA to Adult recommendations! Also there’s two videos here and here by Jean where she gives YA to Adult recs as well! They really helped me 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I used to NEVER read outside of my comfort zone. Mostly because I thought I knew I wouldn’t like it. But then one day I just randomly picked up an adult book, read it and thought ‘This isn’t actually that bad’. to be honest, I still don’t read a lot of adult books but I’m not entirely apposed to the idea.

    Awesome list of booktubers, I’ll have to check them out!

    Jordon @ Simply Adrift


    1. That’s honestly how I was (and still kinda am) right now haha. It’s great to hear that you tried an Adult Fiction book though! I think that’s the most important thing. I’ll always love and stay mostly within YA, but it’s been really interesting exploring other genres.



  23. Those are some great booktuber recs, Lauren! The thing is, YA used to be outside my comfort zone! I went straight from Middle Grade to adult fiction when I was a kid, and for years I thought YA was kidss books so I didn’t even give it a shot! Now I know how ridiculous that was 😉


  24. Lauren, this is SUCH a great post! I’m sure you already know I try to step out of my comfort zone often (though I have yet to pick up a Western…I just… I dunno, that one might be tough. XD )

    Also, THANK YOU for the awesome booktube list–I’m going to have to check all of them out, for sure! 😀


  25. That said the most important thing to remember is that whether you read one genre or a million, you’re still a reader.
    So true, so true. *nods frantically*
    I found that through branching out in genre and giving more and more variety a chance, you come to crave the different environments that genres provide. But no matter how many genres I go through, YA will probably always be my safety net. It’s the comfort of home that you return to when you become overwhelmed, or sometimes underwhelmed. It casts a new light on old favourites and gives a sense to YA you never would have had before.
    Great post!


  26. All of these are so true! That’s why I decided to do the Insane Genre Challenge that I’m doing this year. I have always read more than just YA, but recently the newest books that look unique are YA books. There’s still other genres that have good books coming out of course, but not as many as YA IMO. So I get stuck on YA a lot! This is such a great post. I don’t watch booktube anymore though (I don’t have the time lol) so sadly I won’t get to check any of these booktubers out. 😦


    1. The insane genre challenge seems so awesome!! Definitely a great way to explore new genres. And I know what you mean about all the exciting new YA releases!! I feel like Adult fiction doesn’t always have that? Like clearly there’s a few exceptions, but it mostly seems like YA is in the lead for exciting upcoming releases.

      Thank you!

      And aww!! That’s okay. BookTube is definitely very time consuming and distracting haha.


  27. I started to branch out into non-YA fiction & genres outside of my comfort zone and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed them! Have you heard of Sara (sarawithoutanh) & Anais’ (clockworkitten) Lonely Genres Book Club? They pick a book every 2 months from a genre that isn’t often talked about & for June/July, it’s modern classics 😀


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