Top Ten Tuesday: #4


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

This week’s theme: Ten Bookish People You Should Follow.

Since I’m quite new to the Bookish community I’m going with My Favourite BookTubers. I was actually planning on doing a post on this anyway so it works out perfectly! Finding BookTube definitely helped me get over my reading slump and always helps me stay motivated with my reading. This is in no particular order.

This post could also be titled: “A Post in which Lauren Says the Word: ‘Fun’ Repeatedly

Thoughts on Tomes

I love Sam so much and she has definitely become one of my most favourite BookTubers. She mostly reads Fantasy/Sci-Fi YA, but does occasionally read other genres. Her videos are always so much fun and informative. She also brings up great points and addresses important issues and has fantastic discussion videos. She recently took over Top 5 Wednesdays too and I’m so excited to see what subjects she comes up with.

Jean Bookishthoughts

Jean reads a lot of books that I don’t, but she constantly inspires me to want to read outside my comfort zone. She has an incredible collection of classic literature and non-fiction. She reads translated books, graphic novels, poetry, short stories and Historical. She’s really passionate about feminism and even runs a Feminism Book Club on Goodreads and has a WordPress Blog! She also has the BEST accent.


I can’t even express how much I love Kat. We have very similar personalities. Her videos are always so fun. Kat was one of the first BookTubers I watched and she definitely played a huge part in inspiring me to get back into reading. She reads a wide range of YA and has an amazing collection of books. I’m so jealous.

Aprilius Maximus

April is another one of my absolute favourite BookTubers, if this Top 10 was a Top 5 she would definitely be on the list. She’s a fellow Aussie who’s also a Hufflepuff! She talks openly about her mental illnesses and I find that so comforting. She posted a video about her anxiety and it was so real and honest and I felt less alone for the first time in months. She reads a huge range of YA and also some classics.

Heather Forever Books

Heather isn’t a Famous BookTuber and only has a small number of Subs, but I love her videos so much and she definitely deserves more recognition! I definitely feel like we have a lot of the same interests. I keep saying this but her videos are always really fun and interesting. She reads a huge range of books including YA, Adult, Graphic Novels and Classics.


I’ve noticed that dudes in the Bookish world is a bit of a rare thing. Also, the ones that I’ve come across I haven’t really been able to connect with. Then I found Jesse. He’s hilarious and his videos are amazing! If anyone knows another male BookTubers throw some links my way!


Zoe is super adorable. She’s always so bright and positive in her videos and they’re really informative. She also reads a huge range of books. I just feel instantly happier after watching her videos. Her voice is super nice to listen to, too. Is that creepy? We have a lot of interests in common too!

Piéra Forde

Piéra is another Australian BookTuber who is super adorable and hilarious. She reads a wide range of books and always has a ton of energy in her videos. She definitely makes me feel hyped and energized. She’s also an actor and has a short film production channel and is working on creating something for Throne of Glass.


I’m sure everyone here knows who Sasha is, but I feel like I can’t not include her on this list. Sasha was the very first BookTuber I watched. I didn’t even know “BookTube” was a thing. I was just trying to get more into reading and was searching for book reviews and that’s how I found Sasha’s channel. Her videos are always fun and she’s always up to date with all bookish stuff. She mostly reads YA, but she’s also obsessed with the Outlander series, so there’s some Adult fiction there too!


Emberly is my newest BookTuber discovery. She has a low Sub count, but she definitely deserves sooooo many more. Her videos are super professional looking videos and she’s super adorable. All her videos have made me laugh and put me in the best mood. Definitely check her out!

Honourable Mentions

Claire Wellergracewithabookinherface • NayaReadsAndSmiles • PersueProject • Riley Marie • Sophie’sSeries • squibblereads

Naya is honestly the happiest person I have seen in my life. Joce from squibblereads reads a lot of Thrillers which I rarely see on BookTube so I was so excited to find her! Claire, Grace, Regan (from PersueProject), Riley and Sophie all read YA and other books and have super fun videos that definitely help brighten up my day!

Make sure to let me know who your favourite Bookish people are on any social media! I’m always looking for recommendations! Also don’t forget to link me to your Top Ten Tuesday post if you have one!

44 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: #4

  1. I don’t watch booktube anymore really, but when I did I just loved Katy’s videos!! She has such a fun personality. I still follow her on other social media sites though. 🙂


  2. Great picks this week! I love this weeks topic, I get to share some of my favourite bookish people but then I am also discovering new ones that I can follow. Thanks for the awesome recommendations 🙂 I love booktube and I am happy to see some new ones I haven’t seen before, can’t wait to check them out 🙂 You can see my picks here


  3. I love so many booktubers from this list! For my TTT I did a sort of mix, so I only got space to highlight three bloggers but if I had a whole post my list would probably look the exact same! Great minds think a lot right? 🙂 Aprilius Maximus is such a lovely booktuber, I love watching her videos!
    Here’s my TTT-


  4. I LOVE Katy and Sasha. I haven’t heard of some of the others! I love watching Booktube but I alwsys end up with lots more on my TBR! xx


  5. Should I admit I’ve never really watched a booktube video? I feel I should because there are so many people who have featured booktube people as part of their TTT this week, and now I have so many recommendations to start off with 😀


    1. Aw, that’s okay! I didn’t even know BookTube was a thing until a few weeks ago and now I’m obsessed. It’s bad too though because I spend so much time on YouTube watching all the videos and getting jealous of their amazing book hauls, haha. They’ve also caused me to add so many books to my TBR. It’s a really good way to stay motivated though! If you get to watching anyone from my list I hope you enjoy them ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I knew it was a thing I’m just not terribly active on social media, honestly my blog is the most active site I have and the fact that it’s this active is honestly saying something about my social media habits 😀
        But yeah I really love anything to do with books so I am going to have to check some out, I’ll probably get jealous of book hauls as well but it’ll probably end up doubling my TBR list!


          1. I was never really active on social media until I started this blog 🙂 but it’s definitely keeping me too busy to go back to any others! I’ll have to check out some booktube people this weekend. I have loads of recommendations from TTT posts to start off with 😀

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Great choices! I totally recommend Emmmabooks and MissSassyKassie. I love their personalities. Emma loves Cassandra Clare and Kassie has a good mix of videos.

    Here’s my TTT. (:


    1. I watched a few videos of Emma, but I couldn’t quite get into her? Maybe it’s because I’ve only read one Cassandra Clare, book haha. I’m definitely going to give some more of her videos a go though. I love The Purge tag she created. I haven’t heard of Kassie so I’m definitely going to check her out. Thanks for the recs 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s funny because before I started this blog I didn’t even know BookTube was a thing and now I watch it like crazy. I probably spend too much time watching the videos though, haha. Jesse and Sasha are great! They’re some of the first few channels I found.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve been very curious about Booktube lately so I’m definitely going to be checking out everyone on your list! Thanks for the recommendations! 🙂


    1. It’s so addicting! The only bad thing is that I’ve added so many books to my TBR because of it, haha. And I get jealous of all their amazing book hauls. Otherwise though the videos are all really fun. I hope you enjoy some of them!


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