Top 5 Wednesday: #2

Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme that was hosted by Lainey @ gingerreadslainey but is now being hosted by Sam @ Thoughts on Tomes. For more information on how to participate go check out the Goodreads group!

This Week’s Theme: Books You’re Intimidated By

I think this topic was made especially for me. It’d be easier if I listed the books I WASN’T intimidated by, but okay. Let’s try and get this down to 5.

The “Lauren is Intimidated” Checklist:

☑ Over 400 pages
☑ High Fantasy/Historical
☑ Part of a huge series
☑ Extremely hyped and loved by EVERYONE

Covers = Goodreads

Cassandra ClareEverything Cassandra Clare has Written

I read City of Bones and I didn’t really like it… There are SO MANY BOOKS. SO MANY. There’s 9 in this photo and that’s not including Lady Midnight or the collection of ELEVEN NOVELLAS or the Magnus Bane spinoff with 12 NOVELLAS. What the hell, Cassandra!? WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? I’m freaking out just thinking about it. There’s so many pages. So, so, so many pages. This is one of the most hyped and popular book series ever and I’m so scared I’m not going to like City of Ashes either. I know people say to go to The Infernal Devices, but they’re SO HUGE. ALL OF THESE BOOKS ARE SO HUGE. NO. NO. NOPE.  It’s totally contradicting though because I love the TV show, lmao.

The Shining by Stephen KingThe Shining by Stephen King

It’s no secret that horror is my favourite genre, but I am INCREDIBLY intimidated by Adult fiction horror. I don’t even know why. Wait, yes, I do. It’s BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL SO HUGE. I could have also put House of Leaves for this choice too, but I went with Stephen King because I have more of a personal connection with his books (well as much as someone can who’s never read ANY of them). I grew up surrounded by King’s books and movies because my mum was a huge fan. I honestly thought I would have picked up something he’d wrote by now, but NOPE. Carrie has been sitting on my shelf since the movie with Chloe Grace Moretz was released. I chose The Shining because as a kid the movie absolutely terrified me. I refused to let my parents watch it if I was anywhere in the house. Even if I was in my room and they were in theirs, at the other end of the house, with the door shut. I JUST HAD SOME WEIRD SIXTH SENSE AND KNEW THEY WERE WATCHING IT. And I would start CRYING until they turned it off. Whereas now I’m worried that I WON’T find it scary at all and it’ll ruin that ‘scared’ feeling I have towards it. You know what King book I won’t EVER be reading though? It. It’s not even the terrifying amount of pages. Nope. I draw the line at clowns. Goodbye.

Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. MaasThe Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas

Yeah, I haven’t read these books… I know, I know. There’s just SO MANY and there’s sO MANY PAGES. It’s high fantasy and it’s another super loved and popular series and I’m so scared I won’t like it? I really want to love this series, because Sarah is a fellow Aussie, and I 100% plan on reading it, but man it’s INTIMIDATING. I am currently reading A Court of Thorn and Roses and it’s intimidating me too. It’s been on my “currently reading” shelf for so long. I have enjoyed what I’ve read so far though so that’s making the Throne of Glass series a little less intimidating. Actually, who am I kidding. No it’s not. I’M SO SCARED I WON’T LIKE THIS AND EVERYONE WILL HATE ME.

A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George R.R. MartinA Song of Fire and Ice Series by George R.R. Martin

I went through a phase were I was OBSESSED with Game of Thrones. I loved so many of the characters and I was so obsessed with the world. The moment I saw that my local Target store had a copy of A Game of Thrones in I bought it instantly. I don’t even think I processed the size of the book, like my brain already knew how terrifying it was so it just repressed it and tricked me into thinking that I could EASILY read this book. It’s been sitting on my bookshelf for THREE (MAYBE FOUR?) YEARS COMPLETELY UNTOUCHED. I HAVEN’T TURNED ONE SINGLE PAGE. I haven’t even OPENED THE COVER. Cut to me losing interest in the TV show and wondering if I’ll ever pick this book up because it again ticks every single box on the checklist. I’m thinking of every book in this series stacked together and I feel NAUSEOUS.

The Book Thief by Markus ZusakThe Book Thief by Markus Zusak

I can literally feel everyone judging me for not having read this book. I don’t even know what to say. It ticks nearly every single box on my checklist. There! That’s my excuse. Actually, it’s a really poor one. I KNOW. My sister who NEVER reads books managed to read this and she loved it. If she can do it then so can I, right? RIGHT? My brain begs to differ. Every time I see this book I can feel it judging me. I really want to love it and read it because again Markus is a fellow Aussie, but I’M SO SCARED. I’m extremely worried that I’m not going to understand it? I’m not the smartest person around okay. This book looks so intelligent and symbolic with tons of deep meanings and just. I’m scared okay. ALSO THE SIZE. So. Many. Pages. This does have being a standalone going in it’s favour though. So it gets points for that. I also find the concept incredibly fascinating. I need to just HURRY UP and read this already.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these books if you’ve read or plan to read them! Make sure to leave a link to your Top 5 Wednesday Post if you have one! Or tell me what books intimidate you!

50 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: #2

  1. Don’t worry, I haven’t read The Book Thief either and it’s been sitting on my shelf for soooo long. Every time I pick it up, I read like a chapter and then put it down again. I don’t know why I can’t read it!! I’m also staying well away from ‘It’ because I’m terrified of clowns. Completely agree that House of Leaves is extremely intimidating. I just borrowed it from my friend, and I’ve only read about 40 pages and that took me hours and hours! I swear it’s going to take me several months to complete.


    1. Haha, yay! I’m glad I’m not alone. I had so many opportunities when my sister was living here and she kept telling me to read it, but I was like “….yeah…. maybe…” haha. Clowns are the WORST. They’re so creepy. And yeah, I totally feel that with House of Leaves. I really want to read it because of what people have said about it, but THE SIZE!

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      1. I feel the same way – clowns, china dolls, puppets… *shudders* Yeah, House of Leaves is ridiculously huge. And so far I’m struggling with it a bit because most of it is written like an academic text with loads of footnotes, but the concept it awesome and I have a feeling it’s going to get creepy so I’m gonna persevere. I would definitely recommend The Shining though – I really enjoyed it, and it was quite a quick read from what I can remember (I’m not sure how big it is as a physical book, but I read it on Kindle and I find that sometimes helps the mahoosive books seem less intimidating haha!) I really want to read more Stephen King books, but I have no idea where to start!


        1. Oh my god, dolls are literally one of my biggest irrational fears. They terrify me.

          Ahh that does sound quiet complex. I think I’m definitely going to struggle with it, but I’m definitely intrigued enough to at least give it a go!

          Ooh yeah I do most of my reading on my Kindle. It definitely helps give the illusion that the book is shorter which helps my attention span immensely, haha.

          I have no idea where to start either, but I’ve heard a few people say Carrie, Salem’s Lot, Misery and Pet Semetary are good places to start.

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          1. Me too! I think it’s probably because there are so many scary stories about dolls, but there is something creepy about them anyway. I think it’s their eyes, especially the ones that blink. Ughh! Ooh thanks for the SK suggestions – I was looking at the synopsis for Pet Semetary the other day and it looks really good – maybe I’ll make that one my next King book 🙂


  2. Read the freaking book thief already ! hahaha I swear it’s not that intimidating or hard to understand once you start it. It was one of the first books I read in English, so let me tell ya, my pace wasn’t fast nor was my vocabulary expended and I still managed to adore it!
    As for TMI and TID, I was intimidated for SO LONG, because it was so hyped and I was afraid I wouldn’t like it (let’s not talk about the size) so I went in with very little to no expectations and I loved it. I must admit City of Bones is not one of CC’s brightest pieces but it gets better. I actually read TMI in January and February and am currently reading book 2 of TID


    1. FINE OKAY FADWA I’LL DO IT FOR YOU (((maybe))). But, aw yay, that’s so great! I’m glad you enjoyed it 😀 My sister kept telling me to read it whilst she was living here and I just kept avoiding it 😂

      I’ve heard from a lot of people that the series gets better. I definitely plan on getting to it at some point! Hopefully I’ll enjoy it more than CoB.

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  3. I put Game of Thrones on my list too! For TMI I just listen to the audiobooks I’ve found on YouTube. Definitely made it easier to get through the first one. However, I don’t know when I’ll ever read the others. Her Infernal Devices series is so good though!

    Danica @ A Redheaded Bookworm


    1. I really don’t know if I’ll be able to convince myself to read Game of Thrones, haha. I would like to though. I’ve never listened to an Audiobook! I might have to try it out! I’ve heard from a lot of people that TID is a lot better than TMI. I hope to get to them at some point.


  4. I completely agree with the Throne of Glass series, I have yet to read any of those books as well! It’s very intimidating just because of how much love and hype surround that series. I will say I’ve read the whole A Song of Ice and Fire series and loved it, their length is definitely intimidating but once you start it’ll be hard to stop! Plus you get epic bragging rights when you do finish! Great list! 🙂


    1. Right! I can’t stay away from hyped books because I’m so curious and need to experience it for myself, but they also terrify me because I’m so worried I won’t like it. Haha, bragging rights is definitely motivation! I don’t know if I can convince myself to pick it up. I really would like to read them so I might try eventually!

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  5. I’m intimidated by Throne of Glass too for some reason! It’s been sitting on my shelf for ages and I’ve put it on my monthly TBR for 2 or 3 months now and I still haven’t picked it up. I think I’m definitely afraid it won’t live up to the hype. Plus I’m so far behind in the series that if I do love it chances are I’ll want to go on a Throne of Glass binge and that would take a lot of reading time. Oh the struggle..haha! Great list! 🙂


  6. Oh my god I can relate 100% to GoT. I saw people loving the books and the show (including my older brother who promised me I would like it) and I wanted to read it so badly so I bought it and it’s been sitting there for at least two years. It’s so long and it has tiny writing so I can only imagine it would take me FOREVER to get through. I definitely should have added that into my T5W post but I didn’t haha Here’s my post by the way if you want to check it out 🙂


    1. Oh my god, right! My copy has really tiny writing too. I really don’t know what I was thinking when I bought it 😂😂😂 I would really like to read and love it though, but I just don’t think I’ll ever get around to picking it up. Maybe one day!

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      1. I’ll get to it eventually but probably not anytime soon haha Probably the only reason I haven’t completely given up on it and still want to read it is because so many people love the series.

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  7. Oh man I love TMI so much! 😍 They get much better after City of Bones, promise! Plus although there are SO many, they’re super easy to read in the sense that they’re not too dense. I’m totally intimidated by The Lunar Chronicles and Throne of Glass though – so hyped and so many! 😭😭 x


    1. I’m glad you enjoyed them! I really would like to love them. I’m definitely going to try and read City of Bones and hopefully that’ll be an easier read for me. Ahh yes The Lunar Chronicles is another one I’m a little intimidated by. I think Throne of Glass scares me more though because I’m more comfortable with the genre that TLC is set in.


  8. That checklist is literally me. I read TMI 1-3 and all of TID and I still feel so behind. What’s the point in all that reading for such an average series in my opinion. But yes, I love the show!


  9. You should definitely read The Book Thief! This probably isn’t going to help with the whole intimidation thing but honestly it is one of my favourite books ever so I highly, highly recommend it. I need to try and finish the Game of Thrones series, I’ve read up to book four and yeah I think this is a series that kind of intimidates me a little too; they are so long and there are so many characters you have to keep up with!
    Also I would recommend the Throne of Glass series as well, I wasn’t a huge fan of the first book but the series gets so much better!
    But this is a great list! I really enjoyed reading it 😀


    1. I really want to! The fact that it’s narrated by Death is so fascinating to me. My sister kept pushing me to read it, but I was just like “….maybe….” HAHA.

      Ahh good effort getting to book 4!!! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pick up the first book, haha.

      Despite how nervous I am, I’m really excited to read Throne of Glass! I just hope I love it as much as everyone else does!

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      1. It was that fact that made me want to read it too, it just seemed like such a unique concept and I was interested to see how the author pulled it off.
        I wasn’t a fan of book four, it was still good but of the series it was my least favourite and it kind of put me off starting the fifth ones. One day I’ll probably get around to it but until then…

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  10. I have yet to read The Book Thief even though I know it’s adored by just about everyone. I’ve actually read the first book of ASOIAF (Game of Thrones) and went onto the second but lost interest too. I found the writing to be dry and long… I just couldn’t do it. Love the TV show though. Read the first three in the TOG series but again.. didn’t bother to pick up the rest – same with TMI (whoops). I’m definitely intimidated by Mistorn and ASOIAF. Lovely post! ❤


    1. Ahh, so glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read it!

      You’ve done much better than me haha. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pick up the book!

      That’s what intimidates me the most about ToG and TMI! I’m so worried I’ll just be really underwhelmed or not into it.

      Ooh yes, Mistborn is one that REALLY scares me. Basically anything that Brandon Sanderson has written 😂 I don’t mix well with High/Epic Fantasies.

      Thanks so much ❤️


  11. Your childhood story of The Shining is hilarious. 😀
    Also you need to stop thinking so much! Stop staring at the page count and just sit down and read. Once you start these books they’ll stop intimidating you. I just finished The Wise Man’s Fear and that was almost 1000 pages long, so I know what I’m talking about! 😀


    1. Haha, thanks!!!

      Ahh I know! My brain and attention span refuse to cooperate though. Oh my god just seeing “1000 pages” makes me nervous. That’s amazing. Well done!! Haha, well after reading 1000 pages I don’t doubt it! I’m definitely going to try reading everything here (except maybe GOT)….. eventually… 😉


      1. I don’t want to pressure you or anything. You should read all these books when you feel like it. But making yourself go crazy about how long they are won’t make them shorter! 😀


  12. I totally understand that long books can be intimidating (I have a few of them I still need to get to myself 🙂 ) but I would really recommend the Throne of Glass series. Because they are kind of my favorite 🙂 BUT also because the first 2 books are less long so if you wouldn’t like them you can still stop (even though I hope you will like them enough to continue of course 😉 )


  13. I didn’t put it on my list but I’m definitely intimidated by the Throne of Glass series. People just love it so much and I’m so behind on getting into them.


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