Top Ten Tuesday: #6

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

This week’s theme: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)

Um, the Schedule totally messed this post up and decide to post it before I had EVEN FINISHED WRITING IT. I’m gonna go hide under a rock or something. Sorry if you saw this twice, but there’s more books now so totally an excuse to read it again, right? 🙈

So this is a bit of a difficult one because despite my love for comedy (I mean Parks & Rec is my most favourite thing in the ENTIRE world) I don’t really read many humourous books? I think this is because most humour centric books are contemporaries, which is a genre I reach for the least (unless it’s really dark and gritty). So chances are that whilst some of these books will make you laugh they will also probably make you cry, because that’s how I roll 😉 Let’s ignore how many times I say the word fun in this post!

Click on the covers to go the Goodreads page.

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan Harley Quinn by Amanda Conner

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway – I remember wanting to read this book so badly that I ordered it from Book Depository and it took like a month to get here and it was 100% worth the wait. I have a really personal connection with this book because like Audrey my ex was in a band and whilst they weren’t as famous he had wrote a song about me and it’s such a weird thing to have happen to you. Anyway, this book is one of the few light contemporaries that I actually love. It’s so cute and lots of fun.

Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan – I love this book so much! I’m not even sure why I originally read it, but once I picked it up I couldn’t stop. I read the whole thing in one sitting. All the characters were so hilarious and it has some LGBTQIA representation! There were some really great heartfelt moments in here too.

Harley Quinn by Amanda Connor – Amanda’s New 52 run for Harley is probably my all time favourite comic. I can’t even express in words how much I love the series and Harley. It’s full of action and it’s guaranteed to keep yo on the edge of your seat whilst laughing hysterically. Why read Batman and Superman when you can have an insane amount of fun reading about Harley’s crazy antics? Harley is QUEEN and I’m going to marry her.

 The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot

The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot – I haven’t read Remembrance yet, but the rest of this series is one of my all time favourites. It’s a paranormal romance, but it’s so much more than just that. It’s hilarious and Jesse and Suze are one of my favourite book couples EVER. Suze is kickass, too. This series is set in the 2000s so if you can deal with that and haven’t read these yet then I highly recommend it because IT’S SO MUCH FUN. You might cry.

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell & Phil Lester Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan – This is my favourite John Green book that I’ve read. I think it’s so incredibly underrated and I wish it got the same kind of attention as his other books. It’s super important and whilst it’s a bit dark at times it has the right blend of humour to balance it all out. There’s so many great characters and again it has some LGBTQIA representation.

The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell & Phil Lester – I’ve been watching Dan & Phil since 2009 so of course I loved this book. It was like one of their videos but in book form. If you’re familiar with Dan’s and Phil’s videos you’ll know how brilliant they are. They have an awkward and sarcastic tone of humour that works so well.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff – Would I even be Lauren if I didn’t mention this book in every post I can? Yes, Illuminae will break your heart into a million pieces BUT it will also have you laughing like crazy. It’s such a rollercoaster. Kady and Ezra’s relationship is so much fun despite the chaos that’s falling around them.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan

Anything Rick writes is bound to result in laughter, but I feel like this series does it best (although Leo from the Heroes of Olympus series is HILARIOUS). Percy is one of the funniest, sarcastic characters ever. I absolutely love being in his head because we 100% share the same kind of humour. This series is just so much fun and exciting. I love all the characters so, so, so much and nothing makes me happier than the world of Camp Half-Blood. You’re probably going to cry at some point. 

Selp-Helf by Miranda Sings The Martian by Andy Weir

Selp Helf by Miranda Sings – If you’re not familiar with the character, Miranda Sings, that’s portrayed by the absolute comedic genius that is Colleen Ballinger then you need to change that! Admittedly, I totally get that Miranda’s style of humour is not for everyone, but I find her so hilarious. Every time I watch her videos my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. This book was just as funny as her videos. It was so totally Miranda and I didn’t stop laughing th whole time I was reading it. Miranda is soon to be getting her own Netflix show and I can not fricken’ wait!

The Martian by Andy Weir – Okay, this one is cheating because I haven’t actually read it (yet), but I did start it and the few chapters I read had me laughing so much. I don’t know how a book about a guy being stranded on Mars completely alone is funny, but it is. Watney has a real sarcastic sense of humour that is my absolute favourite.  The movie is also amazing and had me laughing non stop. And crying.

Make sure to let me know if you’ve read any of these books or plan on reading them! Also leave a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post if you have one!

46 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: #6

  1. Okay, I haven’t read any of these books *hides in shame* . That’s a lie, I read the martian haha and absolutely loved it. One of the funniest books I ever read!
    And I totally laughed when I read your tweet earlier about the little incident because I could see myself in your shoes but that’s alright though, no real damage !


  2. Meg Cabot is such a mystery to me. She wrote The Princess Diaries series which is, like, a hundred books long, then she wrote a mystery novel that is like a retelling of King Arthur, and now a paranormal romance? I keep seeing her books everywhere, and it’s always something different.


  3. If your schedule messed up I didn’t see it so this is my first time reading your TTT post!
    The Mediator series was one of my favourites when in high school. I completely agree with you all the books are hilarious and Suze and Jesse are totally my OTP! Also you really need to read Remembrance soon!
    Also I completely agree with you about Illuminae, that book is AMAZING. I loved Kady and Ezra but I think AIDEN was my favourite character.
    Great picks for this week!


    1. Haha, that’s good! The first one wasn’t even finished and it was up for like 20 minutes before I even realised. I was horrified 🙈

      Yesss. I love them so much! I know!! I’m hoping to get to it really soon because I know I’m going to enjoy it so much.

      AIDEN was amazing. I’m forever impressed that Amie & Jay managed to give an AI believable character development.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. At least you spotted it quite quickly though, I probably wouldn’t have realised until hours later!
        You definitely have to read it soon! I think I started it like the day after it was released. I couldn’t wait in the run up to it actually being released!
        YES I hope we see a lot more of AIDEN in the second book, I already have it pre-ordered and I can’t wait for it to be released, why must it be so long away still!


        1. Haha, that normally would have been me too so I suppose it’s a good thing that it was only 20 minutes 😂

          I’m so bad at finishing series! I’m actually planning on making a post about I sometime soon. It’s like I have commitment issues but with books. It’s definitely high up on my TBR.

          AHH I KNOW!! I need it NOW!!!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. I’d like to read a Meg Cabot book! One of these days I’ll have to pick on of hers up as I do so enjoy the “Princess Diaries” movies. They’re also good for a nostalgic re-watch. 🙂


  5. Nice list! Percy Jackson and The Martian are on my list too. I actually just finished The Martian and now I REALLY want to see the movie 🙂 Illuminae is on my TBR for too long already, I should really get to it soon 🙂


  6. I love Naomi and Eli’s no Kiss List! My favorite quote from the book is right at the beginning where she’s pounding on his door, lol. I think that just about anything that comes from Meg Cabot is hilarious (although I haven’t read the Mediator series yet). I need to read Illuminae, it sounds and looks so interesting! I heard that it was given out as an ARC at BookCon last year and I’m so jealous. Anyway, great post! Here’s my TTT. 😀


    1. Aw, yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😀 It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but I definitely remember Naomi & Eli’s interactions being hilarious. I haven’t read as many as Meg’s books as I would have liked, but everything I’ve had has been so good. Oooh yes, definitely read Illuminae! I heard that too! I’m so jealous and I’ll be even more jealous at the people who receive ARCs for the sequel, haha. Thank you 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Percy Jackson is like on every post today! Keeps reminding me that I need to read that series.
    A of books on this lists are books that I need to read definitely!
    I have read Illuminae though and loved it! Kady and Ezra’s relationship definitely lightened up the dark mood of Illuminae.


    1. Yesss! It’s such a fantastic series. I didn’t know how I’d feel about because I was like 22 when I first read it (I’m so old 🙈), but it was still so amazing! I really hope you love it as much as I do 🙂

      And yay for Illuminae! That book is honestly my favourite thing in the entire world.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Naomi and Eli’s No Kiss List is also a FANTABULOUS movie, just sayin’. (yes, I watched it without reading the book. no, I don’t care.)

    I got to Illuminae, though, and was like…. LAUREN WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOOOOING?! Lol I tooootally get it though, there are some pretty funny moments in that book…though they are few and far between, IMO.

    Great list this week! Here’s my TTT. Happy book-ing to you!


    1. Ahh yes, I need to watch the movie! I remembering hearing about it when it was first announced and I was SO excited and then I just got distracted (how surprising). It’s on Netflix though so I should definitely try and watch it soon!

      Haha, I will do whatever it takes to make sure I can mention Illuminae in every single post I make 😂😂 I did stress and cry more than laugh, but I really loved the dynamic of Ezra and Kady’s relationship and how well they played off each other. I was also struggling to think of 10 books so I was like “I laughed once, it’s going on the list”!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. To be fair it is definitely more pain than laughter, but there quite a few laugh out loud moments between the MCs. They play really well off each other. There’s lots of wit and banter! I think I’ll love everything Rick writes. And Watney was hilarious 😂


  9. Super ashamed to say that I’m not at all familiar with Miranda Sings (though I keep seeing her everywhere) but YES FOR THE MARTIAN. That book was so feel-good and happy for one with a rather depressing, scary plot. 😛

    And Meg Cabot is the queen of YA, tbh. She’s so good at putting her characters through wacky situations that make me feel secondhand embarrassment.


    1. Haha, that’s okay! I wasn’t familiar with her until recently (my younger siblings were the ones who introduced me). She has a very out there, overbearing (possibly borderline annoying) style of humour, but I find it so hilarious!

      I’m so excited to finish The Martian! I know I’ll love it!

      Yes! I really need to read the books in her series that I haven’t yet.


        1. Haha, yes, I think so! I’m not in my teens anymore either (although I’m still kinda in denial about that) and I used to be so good at keeping up with internet culture, but now I’m so lost by a lot of it. Fortunately I have teenage siblings who are into it so I always go to them when I don’t know what something means 😂😂


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