I’m Baaaaaack // A Really Poor Monthly Wrap Up feat. Q&A Announcement


My hiatus is over!

Image result for nobody cares gif

No but seriously, thanks so much for sticking with me so far this year. I know I haven’t been a great blogger so it means a lot to me ♥

My One Year Blogiversary is coming up on the 1st of March. I’ve been struggling about what to do for it because my motivation and creativity still isn’t all that high. So, I’ve decided on a Q&A so I can pretend I’m interesting. I did hold a Q&A six months ago, but I’ve gained new followers and new experiences, so hopefully I have something different to offer.

I’m hoping to do a giveaway soon too, but more on that later.

So, feel free to leave any questions you have as a comment on this post! The questions don’t have to be book related!


I was surprised to see a package from Allen & Unwin at my door last week! Inside was Bone Gap by Laura Ruby and The Things We Promise by J.C. Burke. I requested Bone Gap a while back, but presumed I wasn’t getting it, so it was really exciting to see that! I adore magical realism and I’ve been wanting to read this for so long. The Things We Promise was unsolicited and I don’t really know much about it but the synopsis on Goodreads seems interesting and it says there’s LGBT+ themes, so I’ll definitely be getting to it at some point!


You all ready for this travesty.

Night Games: Sex, Power and Sport

Yep. Thanks to my reading slump I read one book.

Night Games by Anna Krien – I’m not rating this book because of the subject matter which is rape, sexual assault and rape culture in the sporting community and more specifically the Australian Football and Rugby Leagues. I was overwhelmed and disgusted by some of the facts Krien brought to my attention in Night Games. However, I feel like she missed the point of her book and ignored some straight up rape culture and sexism that was happening in a rape trial the book is based on. I’m really glad I read it though and it’s obvious there’s definitely a problem with the way the sports world treats women. If you can handle the content I definitely recommend you check this out!


This month has been extremely up and down, but I’m trying to focus on the good so!!

I went to a festival called HyperFest where I got to see a bunch of bands I love including one of my favourites, Hands Like Houses. They put on one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. All the bands I saw were amazing, but Hands Like Houses were definitely the standout along with Ceres! It was in the low 40s (Celsius) the day of the festival so I ended up partially dehydrated and really sunburned, but it was totally worth it. I was also on the festival’s Snapchat twice 😂


You all know how obsessed I am with AFL so the past few days have felt like an absolute dream to me. The team I support, the West Coast Eagles, have been in my town for the past four days doing a Community Camp thing where there’s basically just like opportunities to meet the players and get shit signed. This time, however, there was also a pre-season game played here between West Coast and the other WA footy team, the Fremantle Dockers (👎🏻). I’ve grown up around footy, but have been an active supporter since I was around 15, so 12 years, and I’ve never had the chance to see a game so to say I was hyped was an understatement. West Coast ended up winning by 50+ points and it was AMAZING. I even lost my voice. I was also able to attend an open training session before the game. This might be boring to most people, but I loved watching the dynamics of it so much! If I lived in Perth I would honestly go to every single one. Then, on Sunday I got to meet the majority of the team and got my jumper signed. The players were all pretty exhausted, but they were still all really friendly and it made me super happy. There wasn’t really many photo opportunities, but I managed to get one with one  of my fave players, so yay!


I haven’t really watched a lot of TV this month unless you count Top # lists or vsauce on YouTube. No, but seriously, I’m obsessed with all those weird countdown lists on YouTube that are like “Top 10 Unexplained Mysteries” ect. I implore everyone to check out vsauce too because his videos are life changing. Maybe stay away if you’re not a fan of questioning your own existence though. I’ve watched a few random episodes of Ghost Adventures too. I was never really the biggest fan of it, but Zak’s OTT personality finally won me over and whilst I don’t agree with everything, especially some of the jump scare aspects the network pushes, I really appreciate his investigation techniques and what he’s done for the field.

Like always here’s my favourite songs from this month! 


As you’re aware there hasn’t been any posts this month because of my hiatus.

Instead, I wanna know what your favourite posts you’ve made have been so I can check them out! I have no idea where to start with blog hopping again so any links would be appreciated ♥


I’d love to hear any of your thoughts!

I hope you all had a great February and have an even better March.

 lauren xx.png

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66 thoughts on “I’m Baaaaaack // A Really Poor Monthly Wrap Up feat. Q&A Announcement

  1. Welcome back!
    My Q&A question: Which quality do you value most in other people?
    & if I can ask two: What is the most awkward situation you have been in, that you can recall?


  2. Welcome back Lauren! I miss you so much on the blogosphere, it’s so great to see you posting again ❤ and already wishing you a wonderful blogoversary, I hope you'll feel that blogging and reading frenzy again 😀
    I really liked Bone Gap – the cover you got is so gorgeous, I want it haha. It was a bit strange, though, but I guess magical realism is strange. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about that one 🙂
    As for my question, I'd love to know : your biggest dream? and since you love to visit strange places with weird paranormal vibes (forgive me, this has a name and it completely slips my mind at the moment), can you tell us a story about the strangest place you've ever been to? 😀


  3. So glad you’re back!! I feel like so many bloggers have been in a slump this month, myself included. I only finished two books and one of those I had started in January. I was hoping I’d be able to squeeze in a third but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. 😛 At least the books I did read were ones I enjoyed.
    My question for your Q&A: if you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? AND actually with books too: if you could only read one book, which would it be? (I’m so original)


    1. Aw, thank you Kourtni! Yeah, I’ve been seeing that. I really think it has a lot to do with the current state of the world and also with a lot of people back at school. It’s really hard trying to stay motivated and inspired! I’m glad you enjoyed the books you did read though because that’s the most important thing ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Welcome back Lauren! I’m definitely happy to see you back around the blogosphere 🙂 And already an early happy blogoversary!
    I’ve actually been in a bit of a blogging slump myself, not readingwise (I’ve never read so much in my life), but bloggingwise – I haven’t really been in the mood to write posts or even blog hop :/ Hoping to do better in March though!
    As for the Q&A, since you love both music and books: Do you ever combine books and music? Like, when reading, do you think about songs that would fit the book or specific scene perfectly? And if so, do you have an example? Or the other way around, do you have a song that you wish could be an entire book? 🙂


  5. Welcome back!!! ❤
    It’s so exciting that your blog is almost a year old! Mine will be on March 29, so it’s coming up for me soon as well. 😛
    I also still find your love for sports really funny. It’s so unusual for a book blogger to be such a huge football fan. 😅 I’m really glad you got some pictures and autographs, that must mean a lot to you!


  6. Welcome back Lauren, it’s great to see you on WordPress again and just in time for you one year blogiversary as well so yay! 😀 ❤
    I really hope you enjoy Bone Gap, I love magical realism and that is not only that first book I read from that genre but also my favourite as well. I can't wait to see your review for it.
    Congratulations for March 1st for your one year blogiversary. I've included some questions below for you to answer;
    + Since you started blogging what has been your favourite post?
    + If you could meet with one author, dead or alive, who would you pick and why?
    + Asides from blogging what has been the best part of the past year for you since you started blogging?
    + What is the weirdest dream you've had?
    + If you had the chance to read one book yet to be released what one would you pick?


  7. Welcome back, Lauren, and congratulations on reaching your one-year blogiversary! TBH I probably only read like 2 books as well in the entire month of February so hey, you’re not far off. Here’s to a better March, hey? 😛

    I hope you enjoy Bone Gap! I think this is the first I’ve seen of the Aus cover and wow, that’s actually really gorgeous. It gives off a different feel to the US one – more magical and less… weird, for lack of a better word.

    As for the Q&A:
    – What was your last dream (that you could remember) and what do you think it means?
    – What’s your blogging dream?

    (Also seconding Marie’s question bc THAT IS GREAT. Wish I’d thought of that!)


    1. Thanks so much, Reg ♥ Haha! It seems like everyone is struggling at the moment. Hopefully March is a lot better 😀

      Thank you! The cover is so pretty 😍 I’m glad I waited to buy it now, haha. It is really different to the US cover though so I’m really interested to actually read the book and see how it fits.


  8. Life can certainly get in the way and very easily through our plans out of whack, but it happens to everyone so I hope you haven’t been too hard on yourself! Just blog when you feel up to it, otherwise you might cause yourself to burn out and end up despise blogging. That being said, I do miss your posts!

    My latest post is a round up of the books I read this month, if you feel like checking it out the link is here: http://thesmalladventurer.blogspot.com/2017/02/read-in-february.html. I look forward to reading your posts again 🙂


  9. Welcome baaaaaaaaaaack!!!! So your blog birthday is tomorrow, how exciting!!! I remember thinking for days what to do for mine, it’s so hard sometimes to know what to post! But a Q&A is a good one!
    Let’s give you my usual weird questions!
    1) what outfit do you prefer to wear to pretend to do sports? :p Cos we all pretend, right?
    2) If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
    3) What’s your favorite font style?
    Told you it would be weird :p
    Have a wonderfully up March my dear! ❤


    1. Thank youuu ♥ Yesss!! It’s so exciting, but yeah I feel a lot of pressure to do something REALLY cool. I wanted to do a giveaway, but I don’t even have money to buy myself books 😂

      Please never stop with your “weird” questions. I LOVE THEM!!


  10. Welcome back!
    I loved the Bone Gap and read it all on a plane flight from Melb to Brisbane, I just had to keep going.

    I am loving the women’s footy at the moment, have you caught any games on tv?

    I’ve started to get back into netball with the new league this year as well, but afl will always be my first love (though since moving to Qld where everyone is rugby mad it’s been such an adjustment to the footy obsessed Melbourne!)


    1. Thank you!! Ahh, that’s so good to hear. I can’t wait to start it 😀

      Yes!! It’s so good!! I have an AFL livepass so I’ve been watching games when I can! I’m a little upset that West Coast never got approved for a women’s team so I’ve been supporting Collingwood because my best friend loves them and they’ve kind of become like a side-team to me, haha.

      Netball was like the only sport I could kind of play at school 😂 I’ve actually been watching basketball recently, haha. I don’t really understand any of it besides the scoring, but I love how fast paced it is. I’ve never got the rugby hype. It must be such a weird change!! I’ve noticed the NSW and QLD definitely seem more invested in rugby and I’m always like BUT THE FOOTY 🙌🏻 😂


  11. Welcome back!! 😀 And don’t worry – I only read two books in February, so I barely did any better. I was in such a huge reading slump for most of the month. That’s so awesome that you managed to get a photo with one of your favourite players – really happy for you! 😀 Alsoooo, my question for your Q&A: As I know you like reading horror/thrillers – what is your favourite book in the genre, and which book has scared you the most? I need some recommendations!! 🙂


  12. Welcome back Lauren! Have missed you, but totally understand the need to sometimes step back and put yourself first. And happy blogoversary!🎉 My Q&A: what book would you love to have a signed copy of?


  13. Welcome back Lauren!! It’s good to see you back on the blogosphere! And congrats on the one year blogiversary! Mines actually coming up this month too. I honestly can’t believe it’s been a year. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long lol.
    Anyway! My questions…
    -If you had the chance to put together your own musical festival and could choose any bands (dead, alive, not together anymore) to perform at it which ones would you choose?
    -If it was possible which book world would you travel to and why?
    -What’s one thing about blogging you wish was easier?


  14. COME TO MELBOURNE AND YOU CAN SEE ALL THE FOOTY! No but seriously it’s sucky that you don’t get to see games all the time like us melbourners can but I’m glad you loved the one you watched! It’s such a different atmosphere being able to scream and yell with other supporters 🙂

    Hopefully you slump lifts soon, I had a crappy jan but a great feb so my slump better stay far far away (Illuminae’s on audiobook if that helps also apparently it’s AMAZING)


    1. MELBOURNE IS MY DREAM!!!!!!! If I was in Perth I would be attending games all the time, but it’s hard being in a regional town six hours away 😂😂 I am actually gonna try and plan a few trips up for games this season though because I’m addicted now. I was thinking I might be a bit reserved. I don’t hold back at home, but being around people always makes me nervous however it was as easy as being at a concert and I was so into it haha.

      Thank you!! It’s slowly starting to. I’m glad you had a better February and hopefully that continues 😀 I listened to the audiobook for Gemina and it was a masterpiece. I definitely want to check out the Illuminae one too!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Welcome back!! 🙂 And seeing that it’s March 2nd when I’m writing this: Happy Blogiversary!! ❤


  16. WELCOME BACK AND HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!SKLDfsdjlfkj I’m SO EXCITED FOR YOU. I’m also excited to have you back! I’ve missed youuuu on here! <33 Some questions:

    1. Favorite comic book/graphic novel of all time?
    2. If you could only read NOVELS or COMICS for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
    3. Coffee or tea? (This is important to our friendship ;P )
    4. Beach or lake? (Also important to our friendship)

    ok, that's all I've got for now hahah

    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook


  17. Welcome back, Lauren! Missed your posts around here ❤ So happy that you got to meet the Eagles – I don't actually follow AFL but I've got a few friends who are really into it so I can imagine your excitement over seeing them 😀 Here's my question for you: If you could experience any book/series again for the first time, what book/series would it be & why? HAPPY BELATED BLOG ANNIVERSARY! ❤


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