My Blogiversary Answers to Your Questions (Part 2: Life & Music)


Finally, here’s Part 2 of my Blogiversary Q&A! You can see Part One here. This time I’m talking about myself (🙌🏻) and music. Thanks so much to everyone who asked questions 💕



Nikki @ The Night is Dark and Full of Books asked

Which quality do you value most in other people?

I really value people who are open minded to all aspects of life. If you’re extremely skeptical and not even willing to entertain the ideas that there is more out there than what we know then I just don’t think we can mesh. I also can’t deal with people who are ignorant and refuse to educate themselves despite being told about things numerous times. I need people to be thoughtful and considerate and have a non-shitty sense of humour.

What is the most awkward situation you have been in, that you can recall?

My entire life is an awkward situation, haha. Every day interactions turn into an awkward encounter for me. I suppose some of the most awkward ones have been when I’ve met band members though because I’m an actual mess of emotions.

Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books asked:

Your biggest dream?

Wow!! This is a tough one!! In an unrealstic sense it would be tour with a band. It’s been my dream ever since I was like 16, haha. I just think that’d be an amazing experience. I’d also love to be living in London.

Realistically though, I just want to recover from my mental illnesses and move to Melbourne.

Career wise though, I have no idea? Something in the music industry would be amazing. Like working for one of the big alternative scene magazines like AP, Kerrang! or Rock Sound!

Can you tell us a story about the strangest place you’ve ever been to?

Unfortunately, I’ve yet to visit too many strange places! With my paranormal investigation I mostly go to a location that used to be a settlement in the 1800s and an old Inn! The inn doubles as a bookstore though so that’s super cool. I think the strangest could be a Multicultural Centre that used to be an old maternity hospital. There’s a basement there with a wall built in the middle of it so it seals up a room. You can still even see where a window used to be, which is strange because it’s below ground. There’s no plans as to what the room that’s been sealed is and no one’s even attempted to tear it down. They were doing work in the basement and everyone who was working down there started getting sick for no reason (it wasn’t any kind of old building causes) so everyone decided to leave it, haha. So yeah, I have no idea what that room was or why it was sealed.

Beth @ Reading Every Night asked:

Asides from blogging what has been the best part of the past year for you since you started blogging?

Asides from meeting all the wonderful people in the community ♥ it’d probably have to be opening my Society6 and RedBubble stores! I never in my life thought people would want to pay money for something I designed. It was a real confidence boost.

What is the weirdest dream you’ve had?

Where do I even start, tbh??? I lucid dream all the time so that results in a lot of weird things. I think my subconscious is just really messed up 😂 I’ve had recurring dreams and I’ve continued dreams after waking up. I suppose the strangest thing though is that I’ve had dreams that have come true (that I’ve had no control over like my cousin being pregnant and football scores, haha)! The worst thing is definitely when I experience sleep paralysis. It’s honestly the most terrifying thing.

Reg @ She Latitude asked: What was your last dream (that you could remember) and what do you think it means?

Sometimes I dream so much through the night that I wake up tired, haha. The most recent dream I had was a bit of a blur, but I just remember a dolphin??? Apparently seeing a dolphin means you want to move forward and are in tune with your emotions, but apparently if the dolphin is hurt then it means you’re distressed and in the dream I was worried about the dolphin because I knew something bad was going to happen to it. So basically I want to move forward, but I’m scared? Which is pretty accurate lmao.

Jess @ Beaucoopbooks asked: Describe your dream home.

Oooh. It would definitely be in the middle of the city. I’m not very good with architecture so I don’t really know too many of the technical terms, but it’d either be an EXTREMELY modern and open planned apartment or one of those studio/loft apartments? I’m not sure how to describe it so here are some photos! Basically, I just want to live in an apartment in the city.

Donna @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles asked

What outfit do you prefer to wear to pretend to do sports? :p Cos we all pretend, right?

My exercise is so non existent that I don’t even have a preferred outfit 😂 If we could wear our pyjamas though I feel like I’d be more inclined to hit the gym.

If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

CHEESECAKE ALWAYS. I’m not actually a huge desert person, but I LOVE CHEESECAKE. And brownies.

Sara @ Freadom Library asked: What the fuck is footie? Haha is it like American Football? And why are you so obsessed with it?

Okay, so Sara wins the Q&A game because she gave me an excuse to talk about football. Also, I warned her that this would get out of hand so #SorryNotSorry 💁🏻

Footy = Australian Football League.

It’s actually more like Soccer and Rugby than American Football. It doesn’t really share all that much in common with NFL. In AFL you don’t throw the ball you handball it (weird pass that involves hitting the ball with your fist). We also don’t wear any kind of padding/protective gear. It’s played on an oval (that’s waay bigger than a basketball court or soccer field) with a weird shaped ball and Australia is kind of obsessed with it. There are exceptions though, but those people are missing out on something great 😉

The aim is to get the ball between the two big sticks. You get 6 points. Or 1 point if it goes between the smaller sticks.

I’ve been in love with the footy since I was 15. I grew up around it, but didn’t really start caring until like 2005. There’s currently 18 teams in the league and the team I support is  the West Coast Eagles. We’re relatively new to the competition because for like 70 years the AFL was just Victorian teams and then it eventually branched out to the other states in Australia. In those 30 years we’ve won 3 Grand Finals which is pretty good considering some Victorian teams haven’t even won that many. We were also the first Non Victorian team to win a Grand Final, which a lot of people weren’t happy about back in the day 😂 We’ve definitely have a lot of ups and downs though, but that’s what being a supporter is all about and I’d still love them if we never won another game. I can’t stand people who just jump on the bandwagon on whatever team is currently the best.

West_Coast_Eagles_2017_1024x1024It’s so hard to describe in words why I love it so much, but there’s just something about seeing an amazing piece of play or seeing your team win that is so indescribable. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys happy. I watch and rewatch games. I’ve lost my voice from screaming at my TV. I love the connection between the players. There’s such a strong friendship. The loyalty makes me so all emotional. The fact that all my boys are willing to put their body on the line to get that win or help each other. It’s so good.

I love it because of moments like this:

Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook asked: Coffee or Tea? Beach or Lake?

COFFEE!!!! ALWAYS. The only tea I drink is chai or iced. And even though I’ve never been to one I’d have to go with lakes. I live near the beach and I think the ocean is beautiful, but I hate being at the beach. I appreciate the aesthetic of a lake so much more. I hope I answered these right, if not I’m sorry 😉


Ashley @ Inside my Minds asked: Who are your favorite R&B/Hip-hop artists?

Ahh, this is a genre I’m not overly familiar with. When I was about 13 I went through a huge R&B phase, but haven’t listened to it much since haha. Back then I was crazy about JA Rule & Ashanti collabs (which is why I freaked out over that song on the Hamilton Mixtape!), Nelly (DILEMMA WITH KELLY ROWLAND WAS MY JAM) and Usher. I LOVE Beyonce and Rihanna, but who doesn’t? My other favourite would be an Australian artist Tkay Maidza. Some other artists I currently occasionally listen to are: Childish Gambino, A$AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, Zayn and Frank Ocean.

Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads asked: If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

THIS IS THE HARDEST QUESTION EVER!!!! There’s SO many??? If I was forced to choose though I’d probably go with Hold On Till May (Acoustic) by Pierce The Veil. It’s a song that means so much to me and one that I really connect to on a personal level. Hearing it live was one of the most cathartic experiences of my life.

Melissa @ Book Nerd Memo asked: If you had the chance to put together your own musical festival and could choose any bands (dead, alive, not together anymore) to perform at it which ones would you choose?

This is such a good question 😍

I’d probably go with a line up of all the bands from the MySpace days. I mean a lot of them still exist, but I’d have them all play their albums from like 2005-2007. So it’d be like:

  • Fall Out Boy playing From Under the Cork Tree
  • Panic! At The Disco (original line up) playing A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
  • The Academy Is… playing Santi
  • All Time Low playing So Wrong It’s Right
  • Boys Like Girls playing their self-titled
  • Cute Is What We Aim For playing The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch
  • Pierce The Veil playing A Flair For The Dramatic
  • My Chemical Romance playing Welcome To The Black Parade
  • Simple Plan playing Still Not Getting Any
  • Paramore playing Riot!
  • You Me At Six playing Take Off Your Colours
  • Mayday Parade playing A Lesson In Romantics
  • and then other bands like Forever The Sickest Kids, The Maine, Every Avenue, Yellowcard, From First To Last (with Sonny Moore), Hawthorne Heights, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus ect.

I want it to be the most Emo festival to ever exist, basically.


Once again, thanks so much to everyone who asked a question. You guys always make me feel important ♥

Would love to hear any of your thoughts.

I hope you’re all having a fantastic day.

 lauren xx.png
Find me: TwitterGoodreads – society6RedBubble

57 thoughts on “My Blogiversary Answers to Your Questions (Part 2: Life & Music)

  1. I wish you to recover from your mental illnesses or find the best way to cope with them *hugs*
    Sports in pjs are the best, that’s why I do yoga :p And I don’t like cheesecake #oops you still love me right??


  2. Omg your musical festival is my life! I wish it were real! 😛
    Hold on Til May is such a beautiful song and I agree hearing it live, it’s like no other.
    I love your love for Footy! Makes me wish I was that invested in hockey… but I’m not. 😛


  3. I loved reading your answers, Lauren! ❤ I really hope your dreams will come true, and touring with a band would be all kinds of awesome, really. Working in the music industry just as well for sure 😀
    Also, these pictures of your dream home, I love it so much, we probably have the same dream home haha 🙂


  4. Great answers for this second part of your Q&A Lauren. 🙂 ❤ I hope you manage to achieve your dreams one day. It would be amazing if you did get to come to London, I may be biased but I think it's an amazing city, but I'm sure it's the same with Melbourne! 🙂
    Also sleep paralysis sounds really scary. My friend gets that sometimes and she said the same as you; that it's really terrifying.
    I definitely agree with your answer to the dessert question. I LOVE cheesecake, and actually am really craving a piece right now. Unfortunately there's no cheesecake in my house and it's too late to go out and get some. :/


    1. Thanks so much, Beth ♥

      I’m not even sure why I’m so in love with the idea of living in London, but there’s just something about it. It feels like I belong there? I have the same feelings with Melbourne too. Hopefully things will come together and I’ll be there soon!

      Oh noooo!! I kinda really want some too now. It’s be ages since I had any.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love the idea of living in London but at the moment I doubt I’ll ever be able to afford a place there. May have to settle for just outside of London instead! 🙂
        It’s been ages since I’ve had some too. I’m really craving it now. 🙂


  5. Chase your dreams, Lauren!! Have you been to London before? I live in England but the first time I visited London was so much fun! ❤


      1. I know the feeling! I feel like giving up some days… and I hope you get to visit! I’ve been a few times and it’s always so much fun 😀


  6. Can we just talk about how much I love your taste in music? I am still listening to all those bands even though half of them are dead and the ones still around have changed so much. Honestly, those bands have gotten me through some of the worst times in my life – and they still do. They remind me that I can get through now because I got through it then, if that makes sense.

    I hope you can recover from your mental illnesses, or at least get to a place where you’re managing and coping and feeling ok with everything. Sending love ❤


    1. Yes, same!!! There’s so many bands I still listen to even though they stopped making music like 5 years ago 😂 I love that they were able to help you too because they really got me through some really, really bad days and still do.

      Thank you so much ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  7. OMG, I wish your music festival was real, because it sounds pretty much like PERFECTION! ❤ 🙂
    Also, haha, I was wondering what footie was as well so thanks for that explanation 🙂 Love your passion for it!


  8. I think music journalism is a realistic goal, it would really suit you! Maybe start a bit smaller tho, the huge magazines are more difficult to get to 😅
    Ohhh I love the story about the Multicultural Centre! Very interesting.
    Your dream home is like the opposite of mine 😂😂 I want a wooden mountain cabin haha
    The book festival question is really good, and perfect for you! No Escape the Fate in the line-up tho 😔


    1. I meant music festival 😂😂 Book bloggers making me talk about books when I don’t even want to 😪


      1. Aw, thanks Izzi! I feel I’m not really in a position to consider journalism since I don’t really think I could ever handle Uni or doing professional writing. Sharing music posts on my blog is enough for now 😀 but it would be really cool!

        It’d be awesome to stay in a mountain cabin, but I don’t think I could live there. I think I’d feel to isolated.

        HAHA!! I love it. Ahhh, sorry 🙈 I still jam to their music especially Dying Is Your Latest Fashion. I’m kinda not Ronnie Radke’s biggest fan though so I think that’s why I subconsciously left them out. Though it would have been cool to see them in like 2007.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The idea of being isolated really appeals to me 😂 As long as I have wifi and friends and family visit every now and then 😛
          Ronnie is a piece of shit 😂 But he makes good music and I prefer separating the art from the artist x

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I would want to have a big city nearby, maybe an hour away or so, just for my own safety and because I like shopping. 😂


  9. I’ve been eagerly awaiting your answer to my music festival question and I love your answer, Lauren!! YES to bands from the Myspace days playing their older albums! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME! And seriously my dream music festival too. Especially My Chemical Romance singing their songs from Welcome To The Black Parade. Someday someone needs to create a throwback music festival and then hire you to do the lineup, it would be perfect! Great answers for this! I loved reading them. 😁♥


  10. OH GOODNESS. sleep paralysis. I HATE that. I get it a lot and I used to freak out so bad when I would get it. Now, I’m pretty calm. I just focus really hard on moving either my toes, finger, or neck. And eventually it happens haha. I can’t explain it. I just try to say to myself it’s a pinched nerve, calm down, you’ll survive. >.<

    And yes, you answered right. COFFE AND LAKE FOR THE WIN. I live near a beach too and I am definitely not a beach person. I probably go to it once every other year lol

    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook


    1. It’s the WORST. Fortunately, I was able to get better at controlling it too. At the start though I had no idea what was happening to me and was terrified, haha. I only found out about sleep paralysis because I googled some of the things that were happening to me. Sometimes it catches me off guard especially if I’m lucid dreaming, but yeah – it’s no where near as bad as what it was thank god!

      HAHA YES! So glad I answered correctly. I can’t drink hot black tea or anything like that. I’d love to visit a lake, they look so pretty. There’s way too much sand at the beach 😂


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