The Sunshine Blogger Award


Still not used to getting nominated for awards! I was nominated for this by the lovely, Beth @ Reading Every Night and Yasamin @ Following Muses. Thank you so much! Make sure to check their posts out and give their blogs a follow! 😘💞



  • Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate some wonderful bloggers and write 11 questions for them to answer.

Beth’s Questions:

What book would you recommend to everyone, because it’s so amazing?


Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. I’m sure you all know by now that this series is EVERYTHING to me. I know people might be hesitant to start this because of the amount of books and because it’s Middle Grade, but honestly it’s SOOOO GOOD. I can’t imagine my life without these books. I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.

If you could pick one book to read again as if for the first time what would it be?

Ooooh this is a tough one! I think I’d go with either the Harry Potter series or Percy Jackson series. Maybe Illuminae? I’d be really interested to see what I think of Harry Potter if I was only just reading it now for the first time. Like, I wonder if I’d have all the same favourite characters and ships? I would absolutely love to experience a favourite book for the first time (just as long as I end up loving it as much as I do now!).

Favourite comfort food?

Reeses and Oreos. Peanut Butter. Or rice crackers. Extremely different ends of the scale I know 😂

Favourite quote?

** Mental Illness Trigger Warning **

“The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”
― Juliette Lewis

This is one of many. I am always way too hard on myself. I rarely reward myself for the progress I’ve made with my mental illnesses and this quote reminds me that I need to. I am brave. I am strong. I am still here. And that is something I deserve to celebrate.

Best and worst book-to-film adaptations you’ve seen?

Best: Harry Potter, obviously. I grew up with them the same way I grew up with the books. Everything was exactly how I pictured it. It was so magical!

Worst: I haven’t actually watched many book-to-movie adaptations so I’m going to say Percy Jackson, but like okay I need to confess something…. I don’t hate these movies. In no way do I think they do the books justice and I hate that Rick was excluded from making any kind of creative decisions and I wish we could have got something better, but like I just really loved the cast? And I kind of view them as their own thing. But yeah, oh my god. Please don’t throw things at me because I know not hating these movies is an extremely unpopular opinion.

What’s your favourite book so far that you’ve read in 2016?

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater ita

Both of these were 5 star reads and they destroyed me. I’m so happy In The Afterlight gave my kids the ending they deserved and I would do anything for Ronan Lynch, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

LONDON! Ever since I was like 7 I have wanted to live there and I don’t even know why? Like I’m pretty sure 7 year old me didn’t even know where England was. I’m not even sure how I knew it was even a place. It’s just somewhere I’ve been drawn to my whole entire life. Maybe it’s because I have a lot of English heritage. I don’t know. I’m an extremely spiritual person (not religiously, but in an universal sense) and I don’t know, I just feel like my heart and soul belong in that city. Maybe I was there in a past life? I just want to be there so badly. Hopefully, one day! On a more realistic scale I’m gonna say Melbourne. It’s my dream city in Australia. Plus my best friend lives there so ♥

What is your favourite thing to do with your spare time, other than reading?

Listening to music! I may even like it more than reading, but shh. Don’t tell anyone 😉 Music is honestly the most important thing in my life and I don’t know where I’d be without it.

If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I would be so scared I’d mess up and cause the destruction of the planet, BUT I would love to be able to tell my teenage self that it was okay to ask for help.

Has blogging been different to, or exactly as you pictured it being?

Ooh this is an interesting question! I think a bit of both? I never expected everyone to be so welcoming and lovely. I’m still so overwhelmed by how nice everyone is. It’s also a lot more time consuming than I imagined. It does remind me a lot of my old LiveJournal days so that is comforting because I missed that era so much.

What has been the most positive thing that’s happened to you this week?

GETTING BOOK MAIL! I ran around like an excited five year old. Tearing into those packages will never not be rewarding.

You’ll get to see what was in it in my Monthly Wrap Up 😉 Unless you’re following me on Twitter. Then you got an early reveal, haha.

Also, HarperCollins Australia retweeted my Nimona review! So that was pretty cool 😀

Yasaman’s Questions:

If you had to choose, would you rather give up your favourite movie or your favourite book? (You still can watch other movies/read other books)

Ahh, definitely favourite movie (which is a tie between Finding Nemo and Almost Famous). As much as I love those movies I could not imagine ever having to give up Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. No thank you.  

What is your ultimate vacation? Activities/country/accommodation.

Oooh. Like I said above it’d definitely be in London! Or backpacking all over Europe. I’ve never really thought too much about accommodation, because it’s probably not going to happen any time soon. I’d guess I’d research different backpacker places. Or go on one of those group tours. As for activities? EVERYTHING. ALL THE THINGS. I would be one of those annoying sightseers that brings schedules and planners and books and makes sure I see absolutely everything I can before I go home. I’d definitely love to hit up Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square and the Harry Potter Studio Tour, obviously! Doing a Jack the Ripper Tour is on my bucket list. And seeing the London Eye and all the museums and old places I can find and just everything. 

How did your reading habits change over time?

I used to be an extremely fast reader. Like I could knock out two books a day when I was kid. Obviously, that’s changed now 😂 I still read all the same genres though! I also stopped reading for like a year and a half and I never realised how much I missed it until I started again.

Do you like to listen to music while reading?

When I’m travelling it is a must! I can at home too, but normally I don’t. Mostly beause my mind puts music first and I start paying more attention to that than the book I’m reading.

Are there any books that your whole family loves?

My family aren’t all that into reading. My mum is a huge Stephen King fan though!

You have the opportunity to tell an author to write one more book in your favourite series and they have to do it. Which series do you choose?

At this moment in time I want to say Noelle Stevenson because I NEED MORE NIMONA! Overall though I’m going to have to say J.K. Rowling. I want another Harry Potter book so badly and I know The Cursed Child is happening, but that’s not quite the same. I’d love some novellas or a collection of short stories or some of the fictional wizarding books that have been mentioned in the series. Like can you imagine being able to read Hogwarts: A History!? PLEASE JO. Or, of course, a series about the Marauders!

What’s your favourite tv show?

Hands down Parks and Recreation. Here have another amazing scene:

Which book got you into your favourite genre?

The Goosebumps series! I’m almost certain that this is where my love for horror and all things paranormal started. I used to love the TV show and all the books – especially the choose your own adventure ones! I would spend HOURS finding every possible ending.

A book that you don’t plan on reading, but everyone has read?

…………………….Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

the simpsons memes homer simpson bush disappear

Any authors in your family?

Unless you count the embarrassing fan fic I used to post on then unfortunately, no!

You get the chance to change into any profession you want. What would you like to work as?

Cyber security or a criminal psychologist! Honestly though I just want to work in a book store or library. Unfortunately that’s not gonna happen in my current town, haha.

My Nominations & Questions:

If you don’t want to do this for whatever reason then it’s all chill! Please don’t feel like you have to ♥ Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!

Beth @ Betwixt These PagesCasey @ AdoptaBookAUS • Arvenig • Kirstie @ Upside-Down Books • Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads • Becca @ Rebecca Reads

1) If you could switch places with your favourite character who would you choose?
2) Do you have any tattoos? Would you get one if you don’t?
3) What was the last thing you searched on Google?
4) What’s your most recent 5 star read?
5) Can you stop in the middle of a chapter or do you have to get to the end before closing the book?
6) How is your bookshelf organised?
7) Give me a random line from the book you’re currently reading.
8) When is your favourite time of the day to read?
9) You get to have a dinner party with 3 people dead or alive, who would you choose?
10) If you could travel back to the past (don’t worry, you’re not going to break anything!) what era would you choose?
11) Favourite childhood book? (No, you’re not allowed to say Harry Potter 😉 )

Hope you’re all having a fantastic day xx

26 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Yay, thanks for the tag! I’m going to try to do this soonish but it may take me awhile since finals are starting in a few days D: Fantastic choice for favorite TV show by the way. Love that scene too and I loved it even more once I found out that Chris Pratt improved that line haha


  2. Your favourite quote speaks volumes to me 🙂 I love it! You are very right about that- you are brave, and you are strong. If you ever doubt that, I’d be more than happy to remind you again and again how amazing you are! I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coehlo? You might have, and you might have read it too, but if not I’d 100% recommend it. It’s powerful.


    1. Aw, Fatima, that is so sweet. Thank you so, so much. That really means a lot to me :’)♥ And ooh no I haven’t heard of that! I just looked it up on Goodreads and it sounds extremely interesting. I’m definitely adding it to my TBR! Thanks so much for letting me know about it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahhh I still have to read Percy Jackson. *hides*
    London seems to be such a beautiful city! I’d love to go there too some day, but living there isn’t for me, because I love summer-y places too much. Oh yes, Blogging is super time-consuming! It’s good to know what to do in the free time though, I used to wonder about that and get bored. This doesn’t happen too much anymore, because there’s a lot to write/read here. 😀 Also book mail: yesss!
    I haven’t read Me Before You either yet. I feel so guilty! *crashes in front of tbr*
    Cyber security sounds like an amazing job, and criminal psychologist too! I bet they both come with different tasks all the time. Working with books can never be a bad choice 😉


    1. Haha, that’s okay ♥ If you plan on getting to it I hope you enjoy it 🙂

      I’m definitely a winter person. Although it would probably take me a long time to get used to London winters, because their summers are colder than my winter haha.

      Definitely! It’s such a great way to keep me busy, I love it.

      Haha, so glad I’m not alone!!

      Yesss. I love all things techy and have a weird true crime fascination so it’d be so interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am definitely moving Percy Jackson up my to-read list. I seem to have seen it around everywhere recently and I think the world is trying to tell me something 😀 mainly that I should finally start this series. Also getting book mail is definitely the positive’s of my week. I always look forwards to going home at the end of a work day and seeing a package from Amazon on my doorstep!
    I love Parks and Rec too, just watching that scene has honestly made me want to re-watch the whole show again!


    1. Yay!!! I hope you love it when you get to reading it 😀 I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it.

      Ahh, yes!! Getting an email saying my package is due to arrive today is like the best feeling ever.

      Same! I was searching on YouTube for a clip to post and I had the biggest urge to rewatch the series.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m really hoping to get through the series, or at least start it, in May sometime, but I will definitely post reviews for the books as and when I finish them!
        I actually started re-watching the series today! I forgot how much it made me laugh until I was watching the episodes! 😀


        1. Ooh, yay, I hope you can!! If not whenever you get the chance I hope you have the same love for teh books as I do. Even though they’re “Middle Grade” they’re just so wonderful and the world building and character development through the series is fantastic.

          Nice!! I really need to. When I was first watching the series it was such a fantastic pick me up.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Well I still love HP even after all this time so hopefully the fact that Percy Jackson is middle grade it won’t be an issue. Honestly I’ve heard so much amazing things about the Percy Jackson series I don’t think it’s possible for me to not love it! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  5. I actually think the Percy Jackson movies are okay as their own thing. But as soon as I remember that they’re adaptations I get so mad! 😀 I mean, the actors are all really good, but they’re like way too old to play 12 year olds??
    Maybe a reason why you’ve always wanted to live in London is Harry Potter? I know that’s how my love for England started.
    And haha I don’t wanna read Me before You either. x


    1. Ahh, yeah once I realise they’re adaptations I get sad haha we could have had something amazing!! That definitely had a huge part in it!! But I didn’t read Harry Potter until I was 11 so idk what was going on in the 5 years before that 😂

      Sooo glad I’m not alone!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I feel the same way about ‘Me Before You’… I keep seeing it everywhere, and I considered reading it but I just can’t bring myself to be that interested, I dunno why. Also I read a review which spoiled the ending so now I feel like there’s no point haha. Oooh you should definitely visit London, it’s a really fun city. I live in Oxford at the moment but London will be my home from next January when I move in with my boyfriend who lives there currently. I really want to visit Melbourne, and travel round in Australia in general! I haven’t seen much of the world yet, but there are so many places I want to go.


    1. So glad I’m not alone! I wasn’t spoiled exactly, but with everyone saying how sad it is and how much they cried and considering the themes it wasn’t that hard to predict what happens, haha. It’s just not really a genre that interests me!

      I would soooo love to one day. If only travelling wasn’t so expensive, haha. I have major wanderlust, probably because I’ve never left Australia or the state I live in, but one day hopefully!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, yeah it wasn’t spoiled directly for me either, but I worked it out the same way you did. I know exactly how you feel – travelling is so expensive, and also work gets in the way 😦 I still kinda want to take a gap year and just take off around the world ❤


  7. Thank you for the tag lovely 🙂 Fantastic questions! I’ll get around to this one ASAP XD I need to finish the Percy Jackson series, I’ve only read the first book and I enjoyed it not really sure why I didn’t pick up the next one :/

    Also RONAN *Sigh* I love him so much!


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