Hiatus Announcement


This is a post I didn’t want to write. I’ve been putting it off since the end of January. I have tried everything to not have to do this.

You may have noticed that I haven’t really been around much. I’m not sure what happened, but sometime in the middle of January I lost all motivation for everything especially reading and blogging. With the current state of the world my mental health is at a low point and I don’t even have the energy to get out of bed and I definitely don’t want to read.

Being an extremely distracted person I often find myself in slumps and burn outs. I can normally get through them by stepping back for a few days and binging Netflix or reading Comics. The difference between those slumps and this slump though is that I don’t want to read. I have a book review due on the 26th and I’m in full panic mode because I don’t know how the hell I’m going to do it.

I hate having to write this post because my 1 year blogging anniversary is just a couple weeks away. I was so excited for my blogging journey this year and as I mentioned in my wrap up post, the start of January was perfect and then everything just became more and more overwhelming until it got to the point where I was having really bad relapse episodes. This is not how I wanted the start of my year to go, but it’s happened so now I just have to try and work on pulling myself out. It’s also hard to have a book blog when you don’t want to book. There’s only so many non-bookish posts I can do before people would be like “this isn’t what I signed up for” and that’s totally understandable.

I know everyone who follows me is super understanding and supportive, but I still feel guilty. I know you’ll all tell me that it’s okay to take a break and I appreciate that so much ♥ Honestly, it’s not event the not reading part that has me the most concerned. It’s the not blog hopping part. I miss you all SO MUCH and I miss reading your posts, but I just don’t have the energy right now.

I won’t be home for 4 days next week and I don’t see this slump changing anytime soon so to make this tl;dr:

I’m going on hiatus indefinitely. 

Saying “indefinitely” makes it sound like I’m going to be gone for months, but I promise that’s not the case. I just don’t know /when/ I’ll be back so I don’t want to set a specific time period. I’m going to try and force myself to read the book I received from Pan Macmillan and will post a review, but that’s probably the only post you’ll see. I want to try and be here for my anniversary so I’m hoping I can get back on track.

This is definitely not a goodbye, although some days I have considered that I’m not cut out for this whole thing, but I’m way too stubborn to give in 😉 So this is just a cya soon!! I’ll still be annoyingly active on Twitter. So you can follow me over there if you’d like!!

Your support over the past 11 months has been so overwhelming in the best way ♥. I never thought I’d do anything with this blog  thing, but you all made me feel so welcomed and I honestly can’t thank you all enough! Apologies for this post being all over the place, but it’s kinda just me emptying my thoughts out onto the screen.

I hope you’re all having a lovely day and I promise I’ll be back soon ♥♥♥.

lauren xx.png
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32 thoughts on “Hiatus Announcement

  1. I’ll miss seeing your posts, but completely understand that this is something that you need to do for yourself! I hope you can get out of your slump and self-care is so important right now. ❤❤

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  2. Aw I’m sorry that you feel that way, and I’ll be sad not seeing your posts, but I think everyone has to take time for themselves because it’s important to keep yourself healthy, not just physically, but mentally too. I don’t want to say I know how you feel because each and every one of us feels differently, but I definitely know where you’re coming from. I’ve had to take a break from Twitter because I can’t stand to read about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named anymore and all of a sudden the celebs that I follow became very political, it just gets very depressing going through it all.
    Anyways! I do hope you feel better soon! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I completely understand where you’re coming from. My mental health has not been great lately either and it’s made focusing on reading or even wanting to read difficult for me too. I hope this hiatus helps and you’re feeling better soon ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I understand not wanting to do anything because things get hard and it isn’t easy to get through them. I hope the hiatus helps and you’ll be back soon. I love your posts. I am looking forward to the review that is coming up. Just take your time reading the book. Maybe a chapter a day, make notes, then post the review on the 26th?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think this is a good choise. Sometimes we just need some time for ourselves and there is nothing wrong with that. I’ll miss you and your posts but please don’t feel like you need to get back as fast as possible. Because your health is the most important thing and you shouldn’t rush things. Take all the time you need to really feel better. I”ll be there when you get back for sure 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I will miss you and your blog posts so, so much Lauren, but I completely understand. No need to feel guilty, though I understand that you are, I would too if I were in your case ahah. But take care of yourself, that’s what matters the most, Lauren! Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m so sad to see you go for a while, I shall miss you and your posts missy but I’m also happy you will be spending some time away to try get yourself back to you. I find myself in slumps like yours so many times and I understand completely how hard it is to force yourself because you don’t want to get a hate for reading.
    I’m sending hugs and positive thoughts your way and if you need to talk then you know where I am! In the U.K…which is useless but twitter and blogging and of course email or anything! 😀

    Take care of yourself lovely, take as long as you need. We will all be here when you get back ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Take your time, and focus on feeling and getting better. As someone who has struggled with mental health her entire life, I absolutely know where you’re coming from, and I absolutely understand what it feels like when just everyday life can be a struggle. Never feel guilty for needing to step back and take care of yourself – in the end, if you don’t have health, you don’t have anything!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m so sorry this happens to you Lauren, but just like you said yourself, it is okay to take a step back and recharge! I’m gonna miss you and your posts but taking care of yourself is definitely the priority 😀 take care and have a fun time away from the blogosphere, we’ll still be here when you get back ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Aw, girl, I’m sad I won’t be seeing you around the blogosphere much. I totally understand how you feel, though. I haven’t been in the mood to read for a while :/ I don’t even know how to get myself back into it. I’m still trying, though. I hope that a break helps you! Take care of yourself. We’ll all still be here when you get back and I can just bug you on Twitter anyways 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m sorry you feel this way Lauren, it’s never nice but hopefully taking a break will help you feel better again. It’s definitely good that this is just a hiatus and not an end to your blogging journey for good. 🙂
    I’ll miss seeing you on WordPress but I hope to see you posting again soon, although obviously not before you’re ready! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I love you to pieces and you know it. You know my thoughts on taking care of yourself first and while I’m sad to see you go, I know you’ll come back stronger than ever. Anytime you need me, you know where to find me friend ❤️


  13. I completely understand you. Your self-care and wellbeing are the most important things, so you should just take the time until you feel better. Which I hope is very soon! ❤ I'll definitely miss your posts, but the most important part is that you are all right!


  14. Hi Lauren, just wanted to say I’ll miss your posts, but I totally understand! Take care of yourself first of all! Slumps happen and sometimes you just need to take a step back and focus on self-care. We’ll all be here when you’re ready to get back to blogging and of course in the meantime there’s always Twitter 🙂


  15. I AM GIVING YOU THE BIGGET VIRTUAL HUG RIGHT NOW!!! I’m so happy that you’re taking the time you need to focus on the most important thing in the world – yourself! We’re all gonna be right here waiting for you when you come back. Love you to the bookstore & back ❤


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